➹LittleSpace➷[Yoonjin] (🍼)

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So (🍼) means that this little space chapter is actually babyspace. Baby space is pretty much the same concept of little space but the person is in a much younger head space ( 0-2 years) . This also means that diapers and bottles and things like that will be involved because...they're babies, they need that stuff.

If you don't like the idea of that then you can always skip this chapter and wait for the next one or you can request a little space oneshot yourself. Up to you. I don't want see any comments about how 'this is so weird blah blah' okay? Thanks 😊

worldwideARMY this is for you 😊. I hope it's decent enough


Baby- Yoongi Daddy- Seokjin

Seokjin was currently getting Yoongi ready for a get together with different people engaging in the same lifestyle as them.

Hopefully they'll make new friends and Yoongi can have playmates sometime soon.

Seokjin sealed the sides of Yoongi's diaper a while he babbled quietly and held his stuffie close.

"All clean!" Jin chirped and blew a raspberry on Yoongi's powdery belly button, making him squirm and giggle.

Yoongi was then dressed in a Mickey Mouse onesie that Seokjin thinks looks absolutely charming on him.

He made sure he had everything needed in Yoongi's diaper bag before he made it out the door.

He set Yoongi up in his stroller (yes a stroller, a custom made stroller for his height. People actually have things like this. Cribs, changing tables and high-chairs are also included)

In no time, Yoongi fell asleep with a pacifier in his mouth, while his daddy pushed the stroller towards the event.

Conveniently, the event was only a 10 minute walk to the park from their house so it wouldn't be so long.

The sun burned Seokjin's eyes and the day was very hot.

It made him a bit worried about Yoongi since he gets heat rashes easily and he didn't want that.

Hopefully the event has shade.

They finally made it and Seokjin was very pleased with what he saw.

So many people just like him and Yoongi right in front of him.

They wouldn't have to feel strange here since they would blend in just fine.

All the daddies and mommies cooed at little, sleeping  Yoongi in his stroller.

By the time Yoongi woke up, Seokjin had made quite a few acquaintances who were next to him and talking about their babies as well.

Yoongi looked around the park dazed and confused them started whispering at the sight of all the eyes on him.

You see, Yoongi is very shy in baby space and the unfamiliar people was too much for him.

Seokjin saw this and immediately tended to him, "Aww baby it's okay. Just relax. Look at me baby, look at me" Jin cooed at him, in hope he would calm down.

Yoongi was still sniffling and hiccuping and Seokjin had no choice but to excuse themselves to a less crowded area.

They made their way to a shady spot next to a sand box.

Yoongi eventually felt more relaxed with Seokjin's gentle reassurance and then stared curiously at a pair of two boys playing in the sand box.

One looked over in Yoongi's direction and they made eyes contact for a few moments before Yoongi looked the other way.

The two boys still looked at him before looking at each other and then getting an idea.

They held up a bucket and flung the contents in the air.

And in the bucket was flower petals.

In all colors and sizes floating in the air and some falling onto Yoongi's lap.

In his baby mind state, he was very pleased to see the vibrant, colorful objects move around him.

Some of the petals got caught in the wind and swirled around and stayed in the air even longer than others,

Yoongi was very happy and started giggling cheerfully and kicking his feet.

The boys smiled widely at him, feeling accomplished.

Seokjin looked over every one in a while and smiled fondly at them with the two boys' caregiver as well.

It was such a sweet site to see.

They stayed next to Yoongi the whole event by his side.

They talked to him and pointed to the different birds and bugs they saw to him.

They picked up bugs and let them crawl in Yoongi's palms even though he was a bit scared at first he soon became fascinated with them.

There was even one point where Yoongi nearly put one in his mouth but the boys stopped him in a panic and kept saying 'no' over and over in their high pitched kiddy shrieks.

Alas, it was evening and time to leave very soon.

They were all sad to leave since they were having so much fun with Yoongi.

However, Seokjin promised that they would all have a play date sometime soon so they were happy again.

Seokjin made Yoongi give the two boys a kiss on the cheek before they left.

They waved at Yoongi and made funny faces while he was pushed away in his stroller.

The names of the two boys were Taehyung and Jungkook.

Two good friends he would have many dates with. Even when he's in little space.


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