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Angst [I had this in my drafts since last year so yay]

It was 8pm when the door opened.

Jungkook heard the sound and ran frantically to the entrance of the house where he saw his mother standing,

His mother closed the door with a sigh and leaned against it, tired.

Jungkook was speechless as he took in her appearance

Smudged makeup, bruises graced her legs and neck, her dress was ripped. The flowers in her hands, snapped and bent.

Jungkook's eyes flooded with worry and fear.

"D-Did they hurt you again?" He asked his mother in a small,timid voice.

She said nothing but smiled slightly at him, her eyes were shining with sadness and wariness at her son's innocence.

Jungkook was seven years old.

Too young to understand.

Too young to understand that his mother was a lady of the night.

He didn't understand that she had 'customers', he called the mysterious people 'bullies' since his mother would always return home bruised.

She had no choice, as Jungkook's father would be very upset if she refused and would leave them homeless.

She couldn't have that.

Jungkook lived in a state of bliss until he was 17 years old.

By this time, he was well aware of his mothers past.

Unfortunately, others were aware too.

His classmates would taunt him, glare and jeer at him for coming from such a 'dirty household'.

A prostitute mother and a pimp father.

Then there's Jungkook, 'the mistake',

'the accident',

'the result of a broken condom'.

"Oh look, it's the prostitutues son"

"I bet he's just like her"

"I bet he's carrying all kinds of diseases"

"He's probably a crack baby"

"I heard his father went to jail just a while ago"

The horrible things they've said, the threats, the lewd comments.

All of it hurt him so bad.

He wouldn't know what he'd do if they found out his secret.

His late night secret.

Lost in his thoughts, he got shoved and fell, making the observers in the school hall laugh at him.

He sighed and started to pull himself up from the floor when he noticed the view of a hand from the corner of his eye.

He looked up and saw Jimin holding out his hand to help him, a small, comforting smile on his face.

Jimin was the only one that was nice to him.

He didn't treat Jungkook like the others,

He made Jungkook actually feel like a person.

Jungkook couldn't deny the butterflies in his stomach or the warm tingling feeling in his chest when Jimin was around.

But it was foolish to think anything could happen between him and Jimin.

Jimin could never like someone like him.

Especially if he knew Jungkook's secret.

[God it feels good to write again ahhhhhhh . I'm just getting back in the flow. I hope this little thing doesn't suck! It's been so long hteshtrdmhtdfafeafckjhvkhj]

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