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For namjinniehyung

It was a quiet evening at the couple's home.

It was supposed to be a relaxing time to just unwind and eventually lull into a peaceful sleep.

It would be like that for Yoongi if there wasn't a blackout across the whole city that night.

Yoongi was curled up on the bed hyperventilating in the dark, humid room.

Humid as their air conditioner was also down due to the blackout.

He felt the air around him get more and more suffocating by the second which made him panic even more.

He quickly looked around the room for any source of light but there was none.

He couldn't think at all. All he knew was that he wanted the light back on.

He didn't even realize that he was screaming for Hoseok.

He closed his eyes and sobbed into his knees, trying to mind his stomach also.

Soon, he felt something touch his shoulder and it made him flinch away violently.

"Jagiya, it's okay. It's just me" a voice said

Yoongi immediately recognized the voice of his husband.

He tried to feel for Hoseok the dark until he felt his shirt and held onto it tightly, a few tears soaked into his shirt.

Hoseok immediately went closer and started rubbing his back to soothe him.

"Darling I know it's scary but you have to calm down, it's not good for the baby" Hoseok said, gently placed his hand on the baby bump.

He felt a few fluttering kicks on his fingertips

Yoongi is six months pregnant and he's a lot more sensitive to these things.

Along with his anxiety, his mood swings amplified his fear of the dark by a lot, to Hoseok's displeasure.

It's heartbreaking to see him so afraid and alone.

Hoseok always made sure to make him as comfortable was he could, especially if it meant Yoongi did not need to take his medication.

No matter what the doctors tell him, he doesn't like the idea of Yoongi using them during his pregnancy.

Yoongi felt Hoseok move a little and was afraid the he would leave him here in the dark.

"D-don't go, please don't leave me" Yoongi begged in a soft voice, holding onto Hoseok tighter.

Hoseok sighed, "It's okay, I won't leave you alone, do you want to go to the dining room?"

Yoongi nodded, it didn't matter where in the house he would be, as long as Hoseok is there.

Hoseok took hold of his clammy, trembling hands and helped him to crawl off the bed slowly.

Yoongi immediately clung onto him with all of his might and eyes shut tight.

Hoseok smiled a little at how adorable his husband can be especially with Yoongi's bump pressed into his side.

A sweet reminder of the soon-to-come addition to their family of two.

They went into the dining room without too much fumbling and Hoseok helped Yoongi sit on a chair.

After that, Yoongi still wouldn't let go of Hoseok.

"Wait Jagi, it'll just be for a second" Hoseok chuckled when Yoongi shook his head and still wouldn't let go.

"Come on babe, it's only for a few seconds, have I ever lied to you?"

Yoongi shook his head "n-no.."

"Exactly, now I want you let go when you're ready and count to ten and I'll be right back to your side, okay?"

Yoongi sighed and let go of him, hesitating at first.

He tried really hard to focus on counting and when he got to 8, he saw light.

He looked up to the window to see Hoseok pulling the curtains back and the moon shining brightly, the glowing blue rays pouring into the dinning room.

Yoongi just stared at it in awe.

"It's beautiful isn't it? The moon just happens to be really pretty tonight" Hoseok smiled at him.

Not only did Yoongi admire the moon but he also admired how radiant Hoseok looked as well.

It was like the moonlight knew Hoseok forever and highlighted each part of him that Yoongi loved.

His glossy brown eyes, his cute nose and his heart shaped lips (song reference eyyy)

Little did he know Hoseok was admiring him too.

The moon beams practically shimmered in his eyes and gave a soft shape to his pale face.

He also took notice of the fact that Yoongi's skin was glistening.

He was now comfortable enough to step into the kitchen for a moment since Yoongi wasn't scared anymore and was watching the sky, hands absent-mindedly rubbing his stomach.

Hoseok returned with a wet towel in hand.

He sat next to Yoongi and cupped once side of his face and wiped it and his neck gently from the panic sweats.

Yoongi sighed in relief and closed his eyes at the cooling rag on his heated face.

"Look at you, so sweaty" Hoseok cooed jokingly.

Yoongi wasn't really listening to his words, he simply kept his eyes closed and relaxed into his lover's palms. Literally.

He enjoyed being pampered like this.

After Hoseok was done, he couldn't help but plant a kiss on Yoongi's inviting lips.

Yoongi, who still had his eyes closed, simply melted into it in an instant and moved his slightly smiling lips with Hoseok's.

They soon pulled away after they heard the kettle's high-pitch whistle.

"Oh yes, the water, stay here, I'll make us some tea" Hoseok got up again to the kitchen, leaving Yoongi to pout a little.

But he knew Hoseok will kiss him again when he returns.

It wasn't long before Hoseok came back with two steaming cups.

There was something about the atmosphere in the room that made them want to talk quietly to each other.

Almost as if they were having a private moment and didn't want the walls of the house to hear them.

They spent the rest of the night in the dining room, one hand holding a cup and the other holding each other's hands.

Yoongi couldn't comprehend up to now, even after four years, how lucky he is have Hoseok by his side.

I hope this was fine :)

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