The Wedding

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Maria P.O.V
Today was finally the wedding. Vic & Selene rushed into my room around 7am to wake me up. The ceremony would start at 9am but the pageantry would take about an hour.

"Get up, sleepy head! Or else we'll be late." Vic growled as she dragged me to the bath

"Wow already getting cold feet?" Selene teased as she drew a bath

"Haha, I'm not. I just couldn't sleep well last night." I replied before being thrown in by both of them. While submerged, I didn't hear the door open until I resurfaced

"Well, Alucard enjoyed his little walk. Thanks for making him slightly less obnoxious." Integra said with her cigar in her mouth

"Well anything is an improvement for him." I replied which made everyone laugh

"I'm not that bad, yeeesh. I'll remember this the next time you send me on a walk." Alucard shouted through the walls

"Yes you are! Now go bother your brother & try not to destroy the world." I shouted back. "Thats an order!"

"Yeesh no need to yell! Aww you took out half the fun. Thanks, mom!" Alucard sarcastically replied before going away

"Now for some girl time." I sighed as everyone chuckled

After a bath, everyone helped me get into my dress. Selene helped me slip into it while Vic did hair & makeup. Integra helped with the jewellery & made sure everything was perfect. The gown was lavish with silk & gold patterns. The skirt was much wider fit for a queen instead of my usual narrower princess style.

 The skirt was much wider fit for a queen instead of my usual narrower princess style

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They escorted me to the side courtyard. As I stepped out, guards stood at attention & raised their swords up for me to walk under. The golden carriage was ready with my father in front. My mother & siblings had already gone. Anyone left was here to help me.

Selene, Victoria, Integra & Seras helped carry my train; That would help keep the fur white. Father smiled at me as he helped me in. We sat across from each other as the others went into a separate plain carriage. With everyone in, we headed for the cathedral.

"Ready for your new life?" Father asked me as we both waved to the crowd

"I've known him for 500 years. During that time, we've been blessed with two wonderful children. I can handle an eternity." I happily answered

" I'm glad that you're so certain. I'm glad you are as fortunate as I was with your mother. Its an especially lonely job if you don't have someone to love & support you." Father revealed which was heartwarming.

I knew that my parents loved each other deeply & always wanted something like them for myself. Now, I was only a few moments away from getting exactly what I wanted.

The carriage slowly halted at the entrance to the cathedral: St. Joseph. My father exited first & waved to the cheering crowd. He used one hand to hold it out to me. I grabbed it as I carefully got out.

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