Camping Competition

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Count P.O.V
Maria & I had a late start. I would have preferred to stay in our bed but it was a work week for her. Luckily it was what the breathers called the weekend, friday. I would have her all to myself for the next two days. We walked to the throne room together where the kids waited.

"In the name of all that is evil, what foul wrongness is this?!" I demanded as I saw Vladdy wearing an atrocious uniform. Ingrid idiotically thought I meant her. I quickly dismissed her as she twirled around.

"I've joined the scouts. Mum said it was okay." Vladdy replied which made me turn to scowl at Maria

"Oh please, its one little breather activity. Its not the end of the world. Besides, he can get aggressive with Rugby every week. Let him enjoy 1 hobby." Maria growled at me before going to sit with them. All I could do was huff since she could easily embarrass me. The last thing I needed was for the kids to see their mother effortlessly flip me on my back.

"No son of Dracula wears a waggle." I reminded him as I sulked on my throne

"But please Dad, they do all this cool stuff like fire lighting, tying knots, hiking..."Vladdy pleaded before I cut him off

"I'm not having you running about in the fresh air. You need to stay in your room more, nurse your psychotic rage. Thats how I was brought up & it never did me any harm, did it." I replied as everyone smartly remained silent. They all left the room to go to school. Maria punished by pulling away at the last second from my kiss before they left. For the rest the day, I tortured Renfield as I waited for their return.

Maria P.O.V
Despite the morning argument, the rest of the day was fine. School was a breeze since it was the start of the weekend. Ingrid was moody when she came in. I talked to her after school & learned that Eric punished her by making her head of the cloak department. I did my best to calm her down which helped a bit. I was stuck since confronting him would blow my cover but I hated seeing her upset.

I visited Eric during my break & learned that he was having a date here with a woman named Lucy. He wanted me to stay to meet her. I agreed but quickly knew that I couldn't keep my promise. I was packing my brief case when Vladdy came in.

"Hey mum, I have the best idea. I'm going to use Fathers day to con dad into doing something I like together." Vladdy excitedly said as he showed me his card

"Oh Vladdy that so smart of you. What are you planning on doing?" I asked as I ruffled his head

"Camping with the Branaghs. Though, I'll need your help calming Dad." Vladdy answered as he gave me puppy eyes

"Oh, of course. Thats just a recipe for disaster. I won't let you handle him alone. When is the trip?" I replied which made him smile

"Tomorrow, is that okay?" Vladdy answered which made me scowl a bit

"Uhh, that'll be fine. My nephew wants me to meet his date then. But, thats what magic is for. Won't be the first time I've been in two places at once." I replied before we high fived & grinned as we walked home together

Vladdy P.O.V
~following day~

The Bragnahs came to pick us up at noon. Mum helped me greet them before Dad flew in. He kept his anger somewhat controlled due to mum's presence. Due to his temper, we were rained in so we had to camp indoors.

Dad was moody the entire time. What should have been a friendly trip turned into a competition. He kept trying to outdo the Bragnahs but kept failing with a faulty tent tested by Renfield & using his powers to start a fire. Mr. Bragnah was nothing but polite despite dad constantly insulting him. I had enough & went to the Bragnah side. I was tired of his childish behaviour. Even mum had enough which was understandable considering that she was splitting her concentration between 2 places. Like a giant kid, he flew away to sulk.

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