Settling into the old drama

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Count P.O.V

I had a pleasant night's sleep with Maria next to me. With her memory just back, I decided to hold off on the coffin. There was a master bedroom which contained all her human items. The furniture was black while the fabrics were navy blue to represent her family's colours. She had a make-up table, dresser, desk, bed and two nightstands spread out along the large oval room. The queen-sized bed was extremely comfortable due to the soft sheets but her warm body made it even better. Thankfully, I kept her old clothes so she could stay overnight. Even if she didn't, I don't think I could let her leave now. She was still sleeping peacefully on my chest as I played with her locks.

"Having fun?" She mumbled as her eyes fluttered open.

"Hmm, that'll be later tonight." I replied before kissing her. She melted at my touch and was quickly underneath me again.

"Mmm, I need to get up. Breakfast is calling." She protested weakly as I attacked her neck.

"Not before I get my breakfast." I teased as I dragged my fangs along her neck. She shivered at first but pushed her hair aside for me. I lovingly sank my teeth into her as I drank her intoxicating blood. Being a hybrid, she had the best of both species: vampire and fairy. She didn't fry in the sun, hate garlic or get overly attached to nature. She had all the strengths of being a vampire along with a few powers unique to her family and light magic from her fairy side. The fairy side also made her humanish by giving her a heartbeat and the ability to pump blood. However, she still had to feed to make up for her minuscule production. Thus, I only drank the minimal amount to get through the day. Once I removed my fangs, the two small holes began to heal and I licked the remaining blood off.

"Thanks for the cleanup. But, I still need to wash up." she said before climbing out of bed. In an instant, she was at the bathroom door and leaning provocatively in her black robe, inviting me to come. I swiftly joined her and helped clean her. Afterwards, we quickly came down and I began to torment Renfield. Maria greeted the kids and chatted with them. Finally, everything felt like normal and I loved every bit. Vladdy asked me for a television which I agreed to when Ingrid offered to stay home with me. Maria was quick to please her by promising magic lessons. Ingrid was overjoyed to get some attention as she shoved it in my face. The two of them asked to go to the Bragnahs which Maria gave permission for. I went to sit on my throne and read the newspaper.

"You spoil her too much." I chastised

"I'm just trying to nurture her. That's what a mother does." She retorted as she pulled the newspaper down. I gave her a smirk before trying to sneak a kiss. She quickly moved away and vanished. I gave a loud growl before chasing after her. In the end, she managed to stay hidden. She only came out once I had loudly acknowledged my defeat. We would have spent the rest of the day in bed but she needed to refine her powers. She trained in the spare room which I had promptly transformed into her training room. The room contained all her fighting equipment from being a death-dealer and former Vatican knight. It had an assortment of bullseyes for her guns and archery. The dummies gave her a chance to work on her hand-hand combat and knife work. As she trained, I decided to see why Vlad wanted a television so badly. In the end, I ended up getting hooked on a soap opera. Maria and the kids went about their day normally.

Maria P.O.V

Vlad ended up getting hooked on the breather box instantly. It was comical seeing him so invested in a soap. Luckily, I was able to discreetly snap a picture to use for blackmail. I walked the kids to school and dropped them off at the front. We went our separate ways as Vlad left to meet with Robin and Chloe while Ingrid went to deal with her fans. I decided to stop by the woodwork room since I had 10 minutes before class started. If I didn't make an appearance, I had no doubt that Eric would storm the castle. As I approached the room, I passed by Jano who gave me a quick greeting and nodded towards the room. His nod was a signal that Eric was up to mischief. I rolled my eyes and strolled into the room.

"Ahh, Anna. I've been worried sick about you. What is it with you and that castle?" Eric asked. I contemplated for a split second about coming clean. I quickly decided that I would keep it a secret. If I had to stop him, it would be better to have the upper hand.

"I've been tutoring the count kids. It's just been taking a while." I replied sweetly. Eric bought it and still believed that I had amnesia.

"I don't like you being up there late at night. I want you back home by 7 pm." Eric sternly said. I gave him a nod before leaving for my class. When the kids came by for lunch, I explained my new situation. Ingrid was mad since no one else cared for her. I reminded her that we still had magic and could use the mirrors to talk along with scaring their dad. That got her in a slightly better mood and at the end of the day we left for the castle.

Eric P.O.V
I was extremely uncomfortable with Anna going to the castle so frequently. She seemed different like she regained some of her memory. It was all in her countenance which was much more intimidating. Today I decided to tail her a bit as she left with the Draculas. They seemed chipper but Anna didn't seem to remember her past. With that, i decided to head back to the caravan and arm up just in case.

Anna came back before sunset and 10 minutes from her curfew. She went into her normal routine of cooking dinner and grading. Everything seemed normal so I put my silly thoughts away.

Maria P.O.V
Today was okay at first until the idiot actually believed Ingrid's story. I knew that diary was fake from the moment we "accidentally" found it. Now, Vladdy and Robin switched places which pleased Ingrid. Thus, I would visit the Branaughs to comfort Vladdy. I also came to the castle to check in on everyone while clearly expressing my disappointment. While everyone kept clear of me, I was able to snoop around more. I examined the diary and immediately recognised the handwriting as Janos. Now, I really needed to fix this entire mess before it got further out of hand.

While at school, I would talk to Robin to convince him to change his mind. I would also talk to Vladdy to convince him to remain friends with Robin. Eric was hell bent on trying to convince Jano and I that vampires existed. Tomorrow, the three of us were going into the castle to get proof. While they slept, I snuck out to warn Vladdy and make a plan. Eric brought Jano and I to the castle after school in the evening. Jano offered to go inside to avoid embarrassing us. Eric didn't seem too comfortable with him going alone so I volunteered. With me along, he let us go after a long hug.

Once inside, Vlad had his fangs out and seemed agitated. Unfortunately, Jano saw that and seemed convinced for a split second. Thankfully Vladdy and Chloe came in just in time to explain that we were making a vampire movie. With a camcorder in Renfield's hand, Jano was convinced and helped me drag Eric out. We returned to the caravan where Eric complained that his plan was thwarted. I left after an hour of his moaning to the castle, which he didn't notice. I came back just in time to see our winning entry with Vlad and Vladdy. Of course, the evening was topped off by ridiculing Renfield. I helped make a bunch of whip cream pies that would be dumped onto him by a button. The payoff was definitely worth an hour in the kitchen as Renfield was caked in them by the end of the evening.

The Lost Countess (Book 1) (Count Dracula fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora