More than Just Chess

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Vladdy P.O.V

Having mum back was fantastic for everyone. She allowed me to be human, gave Ingrid all the attention she wanted and helped Dad with his evil plans. We were a big happy family and I was enjoying every moment. It felt so natural for the four of us. Mum had convinced Dad to let me join the chess club. I'm pretty sure that she just threatened him till he submitted. However, he always expressed his disdain for my participation. But, mum would never allow him to interfere which I loved.

Tonight was our normal meeting after school every Monday. Robin and Chloe were apart of it too which was fantastic. Chloe played with me while Robin played against a computer. I was getting slightly better at it but I was still rubbish. Thankfully, Chloe was patient for the most part until I hesitated too much. Mr. Van Helsing came in to substitute for the night and also passed out flyers for parents evening. That ruined my vampire free night as I began to panic about my father.

Once I got home, I talked over my worry with Zoltan and my mum. Mum agreed with me that we had to hide this from dad. Either of us didn't him to go crazy and drain the school. Mum burned the flyer in her hands right before Dad came in with another flyer.

"Parent's evening! What a marvellous idea." Dad cheerfully stated as he showed the flyer to mum. She rolled her eyes in annoyance and frustration about our plan being foiled. I quickly asked him where he got it which he replied was Ingrid. Mum immediately face palmed herself and groaned in response.

"You don't even know what it is." I retorted

"Lots of parents feasting on the blood of their least favourite offspring." Dad replied as he asked for verification.

"Not quite. It's where you talk to our teachers about how we're doing in school." I corrected him which quickly changed his tune.

He swiftly decided not to go due to the boring festivities. He quickly turned his attention to my poor game with Zoltan and called himself the greatest chess player. I asked him about Chandu which Mr. Van Helsing said was the greatest chess player in the world. That only made Dad angry as his voice got deeper and a storm brewed outside.

Mum pinched me to stay quiet as she tried to calm Dad down. She managed to do so but glared at me not to mention that name. I did as I was told and followed them along with Ingrid to the crypt for dads proof. Ingrid complained about being interrupted with her nails. Dad quickly silenced her before explaining that we were going to learn how mum and dad got together. I hoped that he wouldn't tell us every detail. Dad stopped in front of mums portait while she stood next to us.

"Now listen, 300 years ago. Chandu and I were in love with the same girl: your mother." Dad said as he kissed mums hand. Ingrid gagged in response as a joke which mum laughed at while Dad glared at her. Ingrid smiled back at him while mum calmed him again. Once he was calm, he continued with the story. "So to decide who should win her affections, we played chess. For centuries, chess has settled all manners of gentlemanly disputes. Destiny decided that she and I would be together forever." Dad finished as he pulled mum in for a kiss.

"Until she had amnesia."Ingrid cheekily reminded us

"Yes but I did come back. I wasn't away for too long. Honestly just a blink of an eye relatively. I only liked him as a friend. Your father is the only man I have ever loved and the only one I will. The two of you are standing here because of us. Can't us old folk just reminisce once in awhile." Mum reminded us which immediately silenced us.

Dad quickly took the silence as an opportunity to share Chandu fate. He took out his key ring and revealed Chandu's mummified remains. The musty odour filled them room which made everyone but Dad gag. I quickly promised to keep Mr. Van Helsings teachings to myself. Dad quickly yelled at me to not let anyone slander our name. Mum quickly ushered us out to give dad some alone time to cool down.

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