Cockroach Infestation

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Maria P.O.V

For the past few weeks, the house had been relatively peaceful. I enjoyed the calm moments since they rarely lasted. However, nothing good ever lasts for long. While Vladdy was enjoying being a kid, Vlad was struggling on his peasant free diet. I could only give him the minimal amount of blood or else I would have to hunt more frequently. With him on a bloodlust, he was more prone to biting and acted like a giant child. He was desperate enough to nearly bite Mrs. Bragnah when she came to pick up Robin today. Vladdy and I both agreed that the Bragnahs had to stay away from the castle for a while. Hopefully, they had lots of plans for the weekend.

The school day was going well. I checked in on Jano and Eric who seemed okay for now. Jano confided in me that he felt Eric cared more about slaying than being a parent. From his depressed mood, I could tell that this was a huge problem. I did my best to cheer him up and offered to talk to Eric. After a long talk, I was able to convince Eric to go on a camping trip. When I told Jano the good news, he nearly tackled me in excitement. It seemed like the weekend would be absolutely perfect until Chloe was told to head to the castle. The four of us bolted back home, fearing the worst, when we heard Mrs. Branagh scream.

"Hello loves. I was just showing Mr. Count how I screamed when I discovered that our house is overrun with horrible, creepy , crawly cockroaches." Mrs. Branagh explained as we barged in. Vlad looked absolutely bored which made me grin slightly. "Oh, hello Ms. Van Helsing. I didn't that you and the count knew each other." Elizabeth said

"Hi Mrs. Bragnah. You'll be seeing me around a lot. Mr. Count and I are actually dating." I replied which made her squeal happily. Vlad and I both winced a bit from the excessive noise

"Oh that's just lovely. I hope that its going well, to be young again. Let me get out of your way so that you two can talk. Come along loves."Elizabeth sweetly said before ushering her kids out. Vladdy gave me a quick hug before leaving too.

"We all thought for certain that you had bitten her. The way that she talks, I doubt you'd get a chance." I joked as Vlad looked drained

"You're quite the clever one aren't you. I sent Renfield to catch them. Hopefully, that miserable oaf will be back soon. I don't know how much of her screams my ears can take, not to mention that annoying ray of sunshine attitude." Vlad said as I rubbed his temples. He leaned back blissfully happy.

"That makes two of us. There has to be a muting spell that I can put on her." I assured him before giving him a peck on the forehead. He laughed before pulling me in for a proper kiss.

"I'm so glad that you're back again. Life is dreadfully boring without you." Vlad complimented me after breaking the kiss

"Me too. I need a little mischief in my life." I teased which made him lustful. He quickly pinned me against the wall and trapped me as he caressed my body. He began trailing kisses which made me moan slightly. He took his cue and swiftly carried me to our bedroom without breaking our kiss. I made sure to lock our door and soundproof the room to avoid any embarrassing interruptions.

Vladdy P.O.V

Dad didn't come down till nearly sundown. He told us that mum had to work and couldn't be disturbed while in her study. However, he dressed up a bit which meant he was scheming. I tired to dissuade him but failed when he promised me. Now, I would be spending the entire night making sure that Mrs. Branagh didn't become dinner. Once he left, I went to warn Chloe and get some extra help. Mom came down again for dinner and looked extremely tired, which meant she needed to feed.

Mrs. Bragnah made a lovely dinner. Dad gave her loads of compliments as he savoured each bite. Mum looked a lot better which meant that it had just enough blood. But, she would still have to feed to get her full strength. Mrs. Bragnah captured more of my dads attention with her knowledge on the subtlety of animal bloods. We finished dinner with pudding while Chloe and I had an ominous pit in our stomach.

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