Jogging Old Memories

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Maria P.O.V

For a few nights, I had been having the oddest dreams. I saw flashes of me in an old castle raising two kids: a boy and girl. I couldn't make out their faces just like my husband. I knew they were pale and had dark hair, most likely from their father. I would often wake up in a cold sweat and had nasty migraines throughout the day. Thankfully, I managed to mask my pain so that Jano and Uncle Eric wouldn't pry. The day went about normally with me keeping Uncle Eric from being too weird and being the peppy teacher. Except today, the Count kids spent more time with me. I enjoyed their company during lunch and having some extra hands for grading. We got along well and I couldn't shake this feeling that it was natural. Ingrid mentioned that their mother might be coming which Vlad didn't seem very excited about. I did my best to play both sides and at the end they seemed happier. During the night, I stayed buried underneath the pillows, hoping that the pain would cease. I decided to call in sick tomorrow since the pain was unbearable. I didn't even have the energy to stop Uncle Eric from watching the castle. 

Count P.O.V

Today was extremely painful since Ingrid had invited Magda to stay. With a bribe of good blood, I reluctantly let her stay under the condition that her werewolf stay out. I was a bit uncomfortable with her around. She knew my feelings towards her which made our act even more unbearable. However, the kids needed a mother around. I just hoped that Maria would wake up soon. Thankfully, Vladdy found werewolf hair which gave me a proper reason to kick her out. Renfield carried her bags to the Branaughs which was far enough. With Magda gone, Ingrid became #3 again so she left for the Branaughs too. The castle seemed perfect except it was missing its mistress.

Ingrid P.O.V

I felt a bit conflicted about recent events. I felt terrible for inviting Magda when my mum was in town. However, it seemed that she wouldn't wake up in time. I was tired of being treated like dirt, so I needed a mother quick. However, she was quickly becoming more popular than me, even taking the twins away from me. I needed to either get rid of her or get them back together. I was leaning more towards running her out of the country. That was until Vladimir confessed that he set her up. Now, I wanted to fix this mess and get them together. We worked together to send plush toys to them, telling them it was from the other. Thankfully it worked since they agreed to get married tomorrow night.

Maria P.O.V

Even with the day off, my migraines and weird dreams wouldn't stop. They actually became more intense and clearer. I tried to sleep but ended up back in my old dream. Except, the picture was pristine as I saw everything including faces. I quickly recognised the kids as Vlad and Ingrid. My heart rate sped up at the revelation until it went even crazier when I saw my husband. Vlad's face was so clear with his pale skin and gorgeous cheekbones. I felt intoxicated by his beautiful smile that he always gave me. When he kissed me, it felt like it was real. I immediately woke up which caused the caravan to crash down. I finally got my memory back but my powers were a bit hazy. I decided to stay in and practice to avoid throwing everything into the ground. However, I felt my hunger rise as my fangs popped out and my eyes turned bright blue. It was still daylight so I had to shield my sensitive vampire eyes. I made a dash to the fridge and sunk my fangs into a juicy steak. I felt my hunger subside and flicked my wrist to pull down the shades. In complete darkness, I could train more efficiently and in peace. I was done by nighttime and remembered that Magda was in town. I quickly got changed and ran to the castle to save the idiots. When I got there, the gates were locked. When I used my title, they opened for me and I snuck in.

Once inside, I noticed that the ceremony was starting. I spotted Chloe and Robin pulling Vlad  aside. I quickly joined them which startled them a bit.

"Ms. Van Helsing.  Why are you here?" Vladdy asked for the group.

"Not, now Vladdy. Right now we need to save your father from being an idiot like always." I replied urgently. Vladdy realised that I was myself and quickly hugged me. I hugged him back and gave him a kiss on his head. Chloe helped explain that my nephew was hired to kill Vlad and was already here. We quickly intercepted him upstairs and threw him into the slime pit. With him gone, I didn't have to worry about him getting staked. However, I still had a wedding to crash. Thankfully, I had the perfect ammunition courtesy of Magda's voicemail. We quickly raced back to the throne room to stop the ceremony.

Vlad and his friends rushed in to make their case starting with coming clean about the werewolf hair and presents. Of course, Magda spun it like she actually cared. Unfortunately, that oaf actually believed her so I sprung from the shadows.

"That better not be good enough for you, you idiot." I commanded him before turning my attention to Magda, "You can get away from my husband. Don't you have a dog to take care of." She wasn't going to move so I played her boyfriends voicemail. That finally prompted her to leave and I enjoyed my victory. In an instant, Vlad flew over to me and embraced me. I didn't have a second before his lips were on mine. The kiss was passionate since we had been separated for too long. Everyone cheered for us as I nuzzled his neck. I was so content being in his arms and back with my family.

"Took you long enough. I should have done this sooner if that's what it took to bring you out." Vlad teased. I gave him a hard smack on the chest which caused him to give a loud chuckle. The kids quickly came over and hugged me. I peppered both of them with kisses as I held them tightly. Renfield was ecstatic too as he jumped up and down. Zoltan gave continuous happy howls at my return. We spent the rest of the evening cuddling by the fireplace as a family. The night went well until Renfield dressed in Magda's leftover clothes. At the sight, we all screamed simultaneously and dispersed. What a perfect family.

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