Blood Test

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Maria P.O.V

After Halloween, I shunned Eric for a few weeks. I couldn't be mad at Jano for getting caught up in his schemes. He missed me & kept trying to persuade me to reconcile. However, I was at my limits with Eric's persistence. A month later I was calm enough to make small talk with him. I made sure that he knew my move to the castle was final. He absolutely hated the idea & swore to get me back once I saw the "truth". I hated leaving on bad terms but it was inevitable. 

I enjoyed waking up with my family. I woke up early to get dressed to resume my fake life as Anna Van Helsing. I was nearly ready when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. 

"Mmm, I'm enjoying this, waking up to my beautiful bride." Vlad whispered into my ear before kissing my neck

"Me too smooth talker. Hopefully, that'll be official soon." I replied before giving him a gentle kiss. "Now, I have to walk the kids."

Count P.O.V

I was ecstatic to have Maria permanently around after she offficially moved in. Life was absolutely perfect with my family whole once again. She hinted at me proposing while she got ready for work. I just smiled as I kept my true intentions hidden. I didn't want to ruin the surprise until the perfect moment.

"Good Morning Vlad,my son & heir! The darkness in my life. The reason that I get out of my coffin." I greeted him as Maria laughed at my normal theatrics

"What are you doing up so early? You do remember that you're a vampire, don't you." Vladdy teased which triggered those horrid hypnotism memories. 

"Yes, which is more than I can say about you." I replied before retaliating with maggots for breakfast. The doorbell rang & bolted off to get my son's future. Seeing the postman ran in fear was a nice treat to a perfect morning.

"It's finally here. Vlad's destiny." I announced as I proudly brought the envelope to Vladdy

"I didn't know that a burger boy uniform could fit into an envelope." Ingrid joked

"Oh Ingrid do go away." I countered before returning to the main task. "In this envelope is the exam paper for your 1st blood test. The first step along the long & blood soaked path to vampirehood." I explained to Vlad as I felt my heart swell with excitement 

"Dad, I thought you said that exams don't matter." Vlad asked

"Well this one does." I answered as I tried to see the questions

"It's a pity that he won't pass it." Ingrid speculated, breaking my concentration 

"Of course he'll pass the test. If he doesn't then he won't get his full vampire powers." I informed her. Vladdy gave a sarcastic comment which made me fly to his side. "Wait a minute. This isn't one of your 'I want to be normal. I want to be like the breathers. Human blood tastes...' well-meaning things is it?"

"Uh, no." Vlad lied

"Well it better not be. You're going to pass this test or else you won't be setting foot in that useless school ever again. And you won't be seeing those breather friends of yours either." I threatened him which Maria agreed with except for the friends part. She glared at me, indicating that we would talk after work. 

"Oh, that would be a shame. But, Daddy knows best Vladdy." Ingrid teased him which infuriated me further

"Ingrid, no one likes a suck up." I reminded her before leaving

Maria P.O.V

My happy morning was ruined when the blood test came in. I felt that Vlad was harsh with Vladdy over the consequences of failing the test. I understood school but felt that his friends were excessive. I kept my anger hidden so that I could save it for the right person. My troubles piled on when Jano told me that he was trying out for the football team. I knew that Eric wouldn't allow him so I decided to talk to him during my break. 

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