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Maria P.O.V
For the past few weeks, everything was somewhat calm. I enjoyed not having to babysit anyone for a while. But, tonight was Halloween which meant double the work. Eric got extremely fanatic during this time. Vlad was even worse as he found extra energy to plan tricks. Since his mood affected the castle, it got mischievous too.

I told the kids of my hectic day. They understood & agreed to help me watch their father. I would be splitting my time between Eric during the day & Vlad during the night. They asked me for permission to go to the dance which I freely gave. My purse was empty so I didn't have cash to give them for the party. I promised to get them some later which didn't bother them. At the end of the day, I left with Jano & Eric. Jano & I made sure to shuffle to car so he wouldn't see the decorations.

Once we got to the caravan, we made sure to keep the date hidden. He seemed calm for now but still had an ominous feeling. Eric was still paranoid & nearly whisked some 8yr olds dressed as vampires. Jano & I pulled him to the car as the mother slammed our door shut.

"I saw fangs & a cape. It was an easy mistake to make." Eric explained as he lit the stove

"Dad you nearly whisked an 8 yr old." Jano reminded him as I smelled smoke

"I was acting on instinct son. As a vampire slayer, I've developed finely tuned senses, heightened awareness that warns me when trouble is brewing. And at halloween, its at its strongest, almost like a 6th sense." Eric boasted as we tried to warn him about his burning trousers

"Uncle Eric, your trousers are on fire." I noted which finally made him look at the billow of smoke coming from his ankle. He quickly put it out as Jano & I waved smoke away from us.

"Ok, thats it. You're definitely staying in tonight." Jano decided which I supported. Eric sulked a but but we remained obstinate.

Jano helped me try to distract Eric. With the sun setting, he was eager to get out & most likely slay my family. I kept my eye on him & discreetly watched the doors. Jano flicked through the telly to keep his mind occupied. However, everything kept reminding him of slaying so we quickly turned it off.

By 8 o'clock, I was getting restless. I tried to sneak out but Eric was paranoid. My only chance happened when he went to the bathroom. Jano kept watching the telly so he had his back to me. I quietly slipped out & used my vampire speed to get to the castle quickly.

"Darling, I'm home...why does everyone look depressed?" I said as I flew into the throne room. Vlad was sulking on his throne with a magazine while the kids & Zoltan were patiently sitting

"Ahh, now that everyone is assembled. We shall play a proper Halloween game: apple bobbing." Vlad announced as he brought me to the head of the table with him

"Sounds like fun." Vladdy cheerily commented

"Its not what you think. We are vampires after all." I warned him as Renfield came out with the giant bucket

"Instead of apples, we will bob for giant fish eyes." Vlad clarified as waited for Renfield to set the bucket.

However, he tripped & splashed the contents onto us. We both stifled screams as we were drenched. Instead, we decided to take our anger out on Renfield by knocking his head with the bucket.

We left to dry a bit & change into some fresh clothes. I was glad that I was wearing normal clothes. They absolutely smelled of fish. I changed into the last set of my normal clothes: black jumper with long navy cardigan & black flats. When we returned, Vlad decided to liven things up with game of vampires & breathers. We had Vlad be the breathers & gave him a head start to hide.

"Now Vlad why are you stopping anyone from screaming? Really think that I wouldn't notice." I asked him with my arms crossed

"Nothing. Why would I do that?" Vlad lied but his dilated pupils gave him away.

"Did you find the curse in the attic? I swear that I hid it well." I asked already knowing the answer

"Wait you knew? Where did you get it?" Vladdy asked with eyes in amazement

"From an old friend in ancient Egypt. He & his girlfriend helped me swipe it before a slayer could use it on my family." I answered just as the box chimed.

We all ran to it & saw that it moved. Vladdy immediately crumpled into the fetal position. I held him & tried to soothe him as Chloe comforted him. After 10 minutes, Vladdy got up & began panicking as he paced the room. Zoltan confessed the truth when we noticed that Robin was gone. Chloe & I raided his bag which was filled with everything that vampires hated. Vladdy ran out the room to find him while Chloe & I packed up everything.

I didn't use my powers since the curse had stripped me of them. I had to use my human senses to try to find the boys. Vlads scream helped us quickly locate him as we found him smoking on the floor. Renfield came too late to help as he dumped water onto him.

"I'm sorry, I heard you scream & I panicked." Renfield explained to my irritated husband

"Me scream. Count Dracula does not scream." Vlad corrected him as I tried to dry him off

"Well you do when you have that nightmare master." Renfield slipped which caught Vladdy & I's attentions.

"Ah, its terrible. It starts off with your mother being staked by Mistress Magda. Then, she dresses like your mother to get close to your father. A hideous vision of an imitation of the bride of Dracula. When she pulls back her veil, her eyes are cold & dead, her skin pale. She raises her terrifying claws, her breath rancid, blood dripping from her mouth. And then, she lunges at his throat! And thats about the point that he screams and wakes up." Renfield explained before calmly walking away

As Renfield was describing the dream, Ingrid walked in. However everyone but Vlad saw her. She looked exactly like Vlads nightmare which spooked all of us. Vlad was confused & worried from our horrified faces. Instead of ignoring her, he slowly turned around & nearly screamed at the thought. Robin acted fast & muffled his scream with his hand. Vladdy was grateful for his selfless act while Vlad enjoyed a snack. We each went to our separate rooms to relax.

Vlad & I were a bit exhausted so we just laid on my bed. It was soothing to just relax watch others company. However, I couldn't relax for long when I heard Vladdy scream. I quickly got up to investigate while Vlad remained blissfully unaware. When I got to his room, Eric was holding a stake with Jano next to him. I angrily grabbed both of them & marched them to the front door.

"Anna, you have to leave this place now. This family are nothing but some evil blood sucking scourge upon humanity. Come on." Eric demanded as he held my wrist

"No, this is enough! You barged into my home & nearly staked my sons best mate. I'm done! I'll see you both at school but thats it. Bye!" I angrily shouted before pushing them out. I locked the door once they were out. But, I made sure to order the castle to leave them unharmed.

Eric P.O.V
I couldn't believe that she kicked us out. I thought that she would place her blood family over her boyfriend. However, it was my fault for being so harsh. I just hoped that I could make it up to her. Hopefully before the Count could sink his fangs deeper into her. I would die before I lost my Aunt to that monster.

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