Unwilling Mother of the Bride

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Count P.O.V

For the past few weeks, we had been sleeping in my coffin, which was made for two. Of course I made some adjustments to force her to cuddle against me. She knew my scheme of course but didn't mind. My life was absolutely perfect with my wife and son in our lovely castle. The only way our lives could get better was if Ingrid was gone. However, her mother would never allow it. She loved both of our children quite fiercely like a tigress. Ingrid got a bit more attention than Vladimir. Probably to make up for my utter lack of interest. Ingrid was turning 15 today so I decided to give her a small party. I had been preparing it for weeks in secret and couldn't wait to unveil it. For now, I carried on like normal which meant torturing Renfield for giggles.

I used my shadow to skulk around and terrify my unsuspecting victim. Today I needed dental floss from Renfield and decided to have some extra fun. I caught Renfield eating breather sweets which were supposedly my darling sons. I immediately rushed upstairs to discover the truth while my blood boiled.

Maria was tucking Vladdy into bed which was normal. However, I could smell them easily besides the noticeable chocolate around his lips. Vladdy tried to convince me to allow him to eat the sugar until I threatened him with a trip to Renfield. He quickly gave up his bag which I burned in front of him. With my work complete, I left him in peace as I smiled from ear to ear. Maria joined me a few minutes later and tried to convince me to lighten up. I quickly reminded her that they need a careful balance of tormentor and protector. She begrudgingly agreed since she realised that she spoiled them too much. We slept in absolute bliss for the rest of the evening.

Maria P.O.V

I enjoyed sleeping in the coffin now, though I still preferred my bed. It felt fantastic to sleep against Vlad since he helped keep me cool. Since I was half fairy, I appeared more human and generated some body heat. I am abonormally warm compared to other vampires. However, My fangs quickly branded me as a vampire.

They were a curved double set of varying size that were on either side of front teeth. My main fangs touched my lip when protruded and were razor sharp. My second fangs were roughly 3/4 in length of my main ones. They both curved toward my front teeth but it was subtle. My fangs came out depending on my mood and anger levels. When I was completely pissed, they both came out and my eyes turned a bright pale blue, almost white. These were all ways of me telling my foe to back off and were usually successful in intimidating people. I was peacefully nestling against Vlad when I heard Vladdy scream. I immediately sprang up and rushed to his bedside.

"Vladdy, are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked him as I rubbed his cheek

"I'm fine mum. I just had a nightmare about the..." Vladdy replied before trying to hide under the covers.

"Hmm. A nightmare about the dentist isn't it. I'll give you some pain killers to numb the pain. But no more sweets! Or else you won't have any teeth left." I told him as I kissed his head. Vladdy hugged me and told me thank you before Renfield startled him. He came in to fix his door with a drill and offered to work on Vladdy.

"Unless you want to be pinned to the rafters Renfield, I suggest you just do your task." I threatened him while Vladdy cheered me on. Renfield quickly complied and scurried out the room once he was done. Today was a school day so we all got ready and had breakfast in the throne room. Vlad was carefully studying vladdy's teeth which made me nervous. Ingrid came in so we, Vladdy and I, wished her a happy birthday. We gave her our cards but none of them made it. Ingrid rejected Vladdys stating that she was too evil so Vlad destroyed mine for fun. Luckily, I only gave him the backup. I still had the real one in my hands and gave it to her after she stormed off. The day went about normally.

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