A ghost returns

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Maria P.O.V

After hours of driving, we had finally reached our new town. Our fresh start after Uncle Eric went on his vampire frenzy a few months ago. I was so happy that he finally found a job as a woodwork teacher. I also looked for posting and got a position as a European history teacher. I was fascinated with medieval times and looked forward to teaching a subject that I enjoyed. I just hoped that we would be staying here for a while for Jano's sake.

"Here we are kids. Stokely Grammar, fresh start for all of us." Uncle Eric said as he began to unpack.

"Uncle Eric, you are going to behave yourself at this school. It would be great to stay in one place for more than a few months." I asked him with my arms crossed.

"Anna, Jano, I promised you both didn't I. A Van Helsing never breaks his promise." Uncle Eric replied before getting distracted by a "vampire" passing by. He ducked behind the boot door while Jano explained that it was just a normal boy. Unfortunately, the headmistress decided to ride by and saw Uncle Eric crouched. He pretended to do squats which Ms. Harker thankfully believed. Besides that incident, the day went by fairly well. Jano and I took turns keeping an eye on Uncle Eric throughout the day. I enjoyed my class a lot and the students seemed to take a liking to me. However, Uncle Eric turned into the school's joke, which hardly surprised me.

The next day went normally which involved me and him preventing Uncle Eric from following a boy named Robin. Apparently, he was into vampires. Hence, the cape. Before class started, I went over my roster and noticed a new student: Ingrid Count. I quickly got my material set and went to the board. I heard everyone settle down and turned to face them. I noticed the new girl straight away and sent her a small smile. She looked up for a split second before taking a double take. Today's lesson was on the early history of Europe starting with the Germanic tribes. Everyone payed attention however Ingrid seemed more focused on me. The bell rang 30 minutes later to conclude class.

"Ingrid, may I speak with you?" I politely asked. She gave a small nod and came up to me.

"I wanted to say hello. Coming to a new school is never easy, I know the feeling." I told her.

"Thank you Ms. Van Helsing. That's really sweet of you." Ingrid replied still perplexed

"If you don't mind, are you okay? I noticed that you seemed a bit distant in class." I asked

"Oh no, it's fine. I'm just homesick thats all. You don't need to worry." Ingrid replied with a big smile. With her answer, I dismissed her but still felt that there was more to it. Lunch went by fine as I sat with Jano. However, Uncle Eric got us into his vampire obsession as he set up a trap. It was an intricate pulley system with a net and garlic that would fall on them. For "precaution", he had us put on garlic knots and tried to convince us with the Dracula coat of arms that he confiscated. It was just a simple yellow pin which Jano and I laughed at. We waited off to the side in the dark, ready to pull on the system. Someone came in and we set our trap. Unfortunately, our victim was Ms. Harker, who was furious. She ordered us to come to her office. We were prepared to go when I saw the Branaugh family and a strange boy outside. The boy looked at me with the same expression as Ingrid. I tried to remain calm but it was eerie that the Count kids seemed to know me. The boy's name was Vlad who had recently moved from Transylvania. I thought that detail was interesting but it only strengthened Uncle Eric's vampire infatuation. I gave him a hard pinch to snap him out of his trance and dragged him to the headmistress's office. Ms. Harker was still furious but thankfully didn't fire us. She told us to firmly not do it again which we all eagerly agreed to before sending us our way. Once, we were home I decided to ask Uncle Eric about the Count kids.

"Uncle Eric, have I ever seen kids like Ingrid and Vlad?" I asked.

"Umm. No, why?" He replied hesitantly

"It's just that they looked at me like I was familiar. It's probably just nothing. Sorry to bother you. Night." I replied

"You're probably right. Good night." Uncle Erik mumbled.


"What do you mean that we're going home?" Ingrid angrily asked

"It's the neighbours. They're driving us out with their good terms and nauseating feelings." I replied as I kept packing.

"But, do you realize how popular I am at that school. For the first time in my life I actually matter. Don't you care about my feelings at all?" Ingrid asked.

"Oh Ingrid, of course I don't. Now pack your bags. We leave at sunset." I replied.

"But, mum is here. I saw her today, after 5 years. She's my European history teacher." Ingrid shouted as her voice cracked.

"What?!" I screamed as I quickly turned to her.

"It's her. But she was weird. She looked straight at me and didn't recognise me. It was like she had amnesia." Ingrid said as she studied my face. I sank down on the bench at the revelation.

"Amnesia, oh why must fate be cruel." I mumbled as I held my head.

"At least she's alive. We can still be a family. We just have to jog her memory. But if we leave, she'll never remember who she is again. Then, she'll really be dead." Ingrid pleaded as I still sat down in disbelief. However, I could hear breathers making an oath to keep our secret outside. I immediately rushed to the front door and dragged them into my throne room.

"Now which of you should I start with first." I taunted with my fangs out.

"Dad, stop." Vlad pleaded.

"They know we're vampires. They must be destroyed." I shouted back as I kept a firm grip.

"We've discussed this. Friends are not food." Vlad reminded me

"These are not friends. Why it was probably them who denounced me to the school." I shouted as they kept squirming.

"No it wasn't, Dad." Vlad proclaimed

"Well, who could have done it, then?!" I demanded. Vladdy stepped forward and revealed himself. At the revelation, I let go of the breathers out of shock.

"You...you double-crossed your own father." I said as I slowly approached him before congratulating him. Ingrid was displeased at my actions but I felt no guilt for acknowledging his proper behaviour. I decided that we would stay to grow Vladdy's selfish tendencies but most importantly to reunite with my Countess.

The Lost Countess (Book 1) (Count Dracula fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now