Happy 13th Birthday

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Vladdy P.O.V

The past few weeks had been relatively peaceful despite the attempted slaying of my father. Chandu enjoyed being out of his tomb though he did stink up the place. He stayed in the lowest portion of the crypt to avoid smelling up the place or mum and dad's coffin. Robin enjoyed playing chess with him especially since Chandu was getting a bit better. Ingrid was getting much better with her magic as she spooked everyone through the mirrors. With mum's training, she was getting better at hypnotism and could actually tune her voice to be more persuasive like mum. Mum was trying to teach the both of us telekinesis in case we were ever in danger. That lesson was extremely difficult for both of us. We were progressing slower than a snail but Mum was patient. 

Tomorrow night was my birthday and Dad had a tradition to retell how I was born. Mum just smiled while we were both internally bored with him getting sentimental. However, Mum did love going through the photo album, reminiscing when I was a baby. They both left once Dad was done with his story, leaving me with Zoltan. He kept reminding me to enjoy the few birthdays I had before my 16th when I would turn. To shut him up, I threw a dirty sock into his mouth which muffled him almost completely. As I left my room, I remembered that I had to ask them for party decorations. I found Ingrid arguing with Dad about new shoes; thankfully Mum was around to break it up. She gave Ingrid 20 pounds for new shoes and some shopping money which annoyed Dad. But, he kept silent since mum went a bit demonic when she got annoyed. Dad always had to upstage mum but didn't have enough cash to do so. I got 10 pounds for decorations which was more than enough. With the money and Ingrid happy, mum was free to help me get decorations and set up. 

I invited Chloe and Robin over for my little party. Robin got me vampire things of course like fangs and fake blood. Chloe actually got me something that I liked: sunbed. I could finally get a bit tan but had to do it in the crypt, far away from Dad. We went down there so that I could check it out. While we were down there, Robin found an old photo bok with Magda and her side of the family in it. Robin found a picture of them and I quickly explain who they were. I let mum explain why they disliked Dad as I reminisced about our departure from Transylvania. 

"Why were your grandparents in such a mood?" Chloe asked

"Well, they're majorly strict about tradition. You've got to wear a cape at all times. You've got to be asleep by daybreak. can't eat normal food and don't mix with breathers. Pretty much everything that mum lets us do. If they knew what my life was like here..." I said before Robin interrupted. He thought that they would kill me so I had to quickly correct him. "Well no, they'd send me back to Transylvania to a vampire boarding school. No friends, no family, no daylight, ever again.  I'd spend the rest of an eternity lurking around in the shadows. Can you imagine anything worse?" I said which Robin thought was cool. 

"More like wicked, spiteful and evil. Well, at least they're three thousand miles away." Mum said as she hugged me. Shortly afterwards, the doorbell rang and she ran up to the door. I caught up with her as the color drained from her face. I saw two coffins in front which had my grandparent's names. I began to panic too and ran inside to tell Dad. Everyone quickly began to make the place presentable as Ingrid watched the sunset for us. We finished just before they awakened which meant Chloe and Robin were trapped. I shoved them into the back room, hoping to sneak them out later. 

"Atilla, Crone what an unpleasant surprise." Dad greeted them with mum and Ingrid beside him

"You! You traitor. You brought same upon this family and I see that you're continuing it further."Grandma said, directing the last sentence at mum. Dad held onto her hand to calm her, allowing Grandma to continue. "You're a disgrace to the name vampire!" Dad gave a sarcastic reply as Ingrid was given a gift. She handed a bag to Renfield before summoning me. 

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