<Request>﹆Ducklings﹆ [Namjin/maknae line]

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"If you were hungry you can just ask your mother or father to buy it for you" Namjoon said calmly.

The three looked up at Namjoon, not saying a word for a few seconds.

"We don't have.." the other kid spoke up sadly.

"Oh..." Namjoon looked back at Seokjin then back at them, "then where do you guys live?"

"The orphanage, we went to the park close by and then Kookie got hungry and ran here because it was close by.  We all got ice cream here before", 'Jimi' explained.

Namjoon and Seokjin shared a knowing look.

It was hard to be mad or even scold them, especially if they didn't mean any harm.

Seokjin nodded.

Namjoon gave them a small smile, "come with us, we can feed you if you're hungry"

They were back upstairs of the shop where the couple lived.

The four were sat at the table, waiting for Seokjin who was in the kitchen.

Seokjin retuned and placed small bowls of soup and rice and steamed pork buns in front of them.

Luckily he made enough dinner earlier so that everyone could be fed well, including himself and Namjoon.

The three boys eyed the food in amazement.

"You may eat" Seokjin chuckled at their amazement.

Soon they tucked in, the sound of loud slurping, satisfied hums and the clanking of cutlery and plates, filled the small dining room.

Seokjin smiled, "it's good right?" The three children nodded in agreement.

"Of course it is,you're a great cook" Namjoon smiled proudly

That's when they learnt their names and that Jimin was the oldest, only being 6 years old. Taehyung was 5 and Jungkook was 3.

Jungkook, being the youngest, was the messiest eater, getting soup all over his cheeks and chin.

The adults laughed at the adorable site.

"Jungkook-ah, you're so messy" Seokjin got a napkin and wiped the child's face and he smiled at Seokjin. Seokjin couldn't help but smile back fondly.

Namjoon in that moment took in the site at the table.

It was like he had a family, just like they wanted.

Eating together as one and watching their children grow bigger and stronger with each meal and each passing day.

That was such a comforting thought.

Soon they were done, the children politely thanking them for the food.

Seokjin excused himself, planning to call the orphanage.


"Ah goodnight, this is Kim Seokjin. Me and my husband were supposed to come tomorrow."

"Oh good evening Mr.Kim. Is something wrong?"

"Well not exactly. We found three boys today that claim they're from this orphanage. They're in our home at the moment"

"Oh! those three boys?!? I'm so sorry for any trouble they might have caused you. I guess I'll have to let the police know that they're not lost anymore"

"It's no trouble at all. They're angels actually. Tell me something, are they all brothers?"

"No they're not brothers, by they're so close that you'd think they are. We call them 'the three ducklings', they go everywhere together. Many times one of the three was supposed to be adopted but they refused to leave the other two behind. Unfortunately not many people want to adopt three children at once..."

"I see. Well, we will bring them tomorrow and sign the papers, we want them all" Seokjin declared confidently.

There was no denying that Namjoon and Seokjin fell in love with the kids at dinner.

Each of them had such sweeet and unique personalities that anyone would adore.

He couldn't dream of sending those boys back to be adopted by anyone else.

He knows that Namjoon feels the exact same.

The way he spoke and acted around them said it all.

This was their new family. Without a doubt.

It was easy to tell from her voice that she wasn't expecting that response but was happy nonetheless, "Oh! that's wonderful! Thank you so much Mr. Kim. Have a goodnight".

With that, Seokjin hanged up the phone with a smile.

Namjoon entered the room, overhearing some of the conversation.

"You told them that we're keeping them right?" Namjoon asked eagerly.

"Of course, they're our boys now"

Namjoon grinned, "this is why we're married, I didn't even have to tell you" he cupped Seokjin's face gently and kissed him.

They were ecstatic. Rambling on about where they would sleep, buying matching outfits and wanting them to involved in a hobby like music or dancing.

"Where are they anyways?" Seokjin asked

"Watching TV in the living room"

"Do you want to tell them now?" Seokjin couldn't contain his smile.

Namjoon nodded rapidly.

They shared one more kiss before walking into the living room where the three boys were watching a show.

"Jimin-ah, Taehyung-ah, Jungkook-ah. Come here please" the three looked over and stumbled over to them curiously.

Namjoon breathed in and out before speaking.

"Would you like to stay with us? We can be a family, together" Namjoon asked, holding Seokjin's hand nervously, praying they'd like the idea.

The three stared at the couple, frozen.

"Us? All of us?" Taehyung asked, as if it was hard to believe.

"Of course! You're a team right? We can't split you guys up. We can adopt all three of you tomorrow!"

Their mouths dropped opened, looking at each other in shock before they unfroze and started cheering excitedly.

They held hands with the adults and jumped around in excitement.

"We have a home! We have a home!" The three chanted while skipping around in a circle, holding each other's hands.

The couple laughed and skipped around with them happily.

The three little ducklings had a fun filled childhood with their Appa (Seokjin) and Papa (Namjoon).

The couple realized that having three children was perfect.  They wouldn't change it for anything.

[On one hand I'm happy with it but on the other hand I think it kinda sucks csaedcvefevwvrqeerrvewfrw idk tho. I hope you guys liked it!]

Oneshots of BTS shipsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora