Chapter 36: Cold or Warm?

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   Tommy came over. He told me me to come outside. I didn't really want to and I told him so. He came in and sat on the couch, trying to persuade me into coming outside with him. I finally did. There was Keon, Keyondrick, and boys I had either never seen before, or had only since a few times. They were tossing around a football.

   Tommy and I sat down on the side of the porch where we could watch them play. He kissed me and told me to come with him. He put me up against the house and started kissing my neck. I giggled. It really did tickle.

"It tickles." I giggled.

"I know. I was trying to tell you the other day." he kept kissing and I kept giggling. My stomach started to hurt from all the giggling so, I told him to stop.

  He grabbed my waist and kissed me on the lips.

"I love you." he told me.

"I love you too." I replied.

"We have a grown-up relationship."

Tommy said. Then he started to compare our relationship to others our age. I wasn't really listening.  I was staring at his soft pink lips, pretty blue eyes, and curly blonde hair. He hugged me and I zoned back in. We went back to the porch and sat down. His friends came over and started talking. Then, they continued their game of football.

   Jonathan came outside.

"Hey." he said.

"Hi." I replied.

"What's up?" Tommy asked.

"Nothing." Jonathan said. All of the tension died down after awhile.


Jonathan told us that he hurt himself and he was bleeding. o told him to wash it off with soap and cold water. Tommy told him to wash it off with soap and warm water. We sat there in that discussion about which type of water is better. Finally, Jonathan decided to wash him hands under cold water. When he came back outside, Tommy asked to see it.

"You can tell you didn't use soap because there is still dirt under you fingernails." Jonathan looked embarrassed. After awhile everyone either when homd or into the house.

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