Chapter 18: Our Awkwardness

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After about a week or so, Tommy had asked me out again. Of course I excepted it. He sat by me on the bus almost every morning and afternoon. I felt awkward and I assume he did too, so we decided to break up again. It felt better knowing that we were friends.

One night, Tommy messaged me and told me to walk to school with him tomorrow. I told him okay. The next morning, I went right on the bus. I thought Tommy had actually walked. Then, we pulled up to the next stop and Tommy got on the bus. He sat next to me and said,"Hey." I replied with a soft "Hey." and looked out of the window. "Weren't you supposed to walk to school with me this morning?" he asked after a couple of minutes.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Well, why did you get on the bus then?" he asked.

"Boy you knew you weren't about walk to school and I wasn't either." I replied. He smiled at me and turned his head to talk to someone else.

   Later on that week, I missed the bus in the morning almost everyday.  I did end up walking to school. It was the worst time of the year too. It was early spring. Everything was still muddy and gross. It was humid as well. So I felt sticky from my sweat and cold because of the heat. It was a really bad time.

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