Chapter 10: Unfortunate Water Works

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I was in the last class of the day, science. Our science teacher had a garden in the back of the school and every now and again, he'd have his classes work on the garden. Our class was separated into groups. My group was told to water the flowers. They tried to turn the hose on, but it didn't work. So, they asked me to help them turn it on. I turned the knob one way. Then, I turned it the other way. It didn't turn on. We asked the science teacher how to turn it on and he said,"Turn it to the left, Righty Tighty, Lefty Lucy." So, I turned it to the right and water shot out onto my pants. Unfortunately,  the water made it look like I peed my pants.

   The class had five minutes to get cleaned up and get ready to leave. I ran to the bathroom and tried to blow dry my pants, while they were still on me. It worked some, but not much. I was devastated. The good thing was that I had brought a jacket to school. I tied my jacket around my waist by the sleeves and turnes it around so that the back of the jacket would be in front covering up the wet spot. I hurried up and got on the bus. Tommy came and sat next to me. "How was your day?" he asked. "It was okay. My pants got wet because our science teacher made us turn on the hose." I replied.

"Let me see." he said. I raised my jacket up. The water had dried just a little bit more, so it didn't look as bad. "It looks like you pissed your pants." he said. I looked out of the window after saying," I didn't though."

   I ran home that afternoon. Jonathan kept trying to talk to me. I kept pushing him off, but he didn't get the hints.

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