Chapter 13: Is It Him?

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The bus ride home was getting easier. I was getting to know Jamilia better. We would sit by each other almost everyday. I was happy. Even when I didn't sit next to Jamilia, Leticia sat right across from me. It felt good to have people to talk to on a bus full of older kids.

   Today I sat alone. I looked through my back pack for my pencil. I couldn't find it, so I zipped my back pack closed and sat back. As the bus was approaching the second stop, I heard Tommy call my name. I looked over. He was talking to Keon. "Her bro?" Tommy said while pointing at me. Keon looked at Tommy, then at me. Tommy looked at me, too. "Aye, do you like him?" Tommy asked pointing to Keon. I shook my head. "No, not her bro," Keon said, " I was talking about that little white girl."

   Tommy looked at Keon and smiled, then he looked back at me. "Do you like him?" Tommy asked like six more times, pointing to different guys. Tommy looked at Keon again and said,"Bro, she don't like you." Keon kept trying to tell Tommy that he was talking about someone else. Tommy laughed and they left me alone.


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