Chapter 8: The Carnival

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   It was kind of nice outside. It wasn't as warm as it could've been. Jonathan came over and told me that somebody wanted me outside. I didn't believe him because I didnt know anybody in the neighborhood. "Who is it?" I asked.

"Tommy." he replied. I told Jonathan to wait and I changed into some jeans, a hello kitty sweatshirt, and some black flats. I ran down the stairs and came outside. i peeked around the corner and Jonathan came over to me. "Why are you hiding?" he said.

"I'm not." I said back.

"Then get out here."

"I am out here." I didn't see Tommy anywhere. I felt safe. I sat down on the porch steps for awhile.

   Aa soon as I saw Tommy I ran back into the house. I know he saw me because five minutes later Jonathan came knocking on the door. I got nervous. I looked at the stairs and looked at the door. If I run up the stairs, then he'll keep knocking. If I answer the door, then Tommy will see me. I decided to open the door, but still to this day, here and now, I wish I would've told him that I couldn't come out.

   I went outside and I saw Tommy on his bike. He wasn't riding it, just sitting on it. I thought to run back inside, but I forced myself to keep going. I walked to the edge of the porch stairs. Tommy looked at me. "Hi." I said.

"Hey." he responded. He put his bike down and came over to me. He started asking me about school and how I was doing in general. I answered every question before thinking. I guess what I said wasn't bad because he wasn't running for the hills. One of his frineds came over on their bike. I watched them. They rode into an empty parking lot and rode in a circle with no hands. I was kind of jealous because I could ride with only one hand off of the handlebars. Tommy looked at me, then at his friend. "Hey," he said to me, "I can do bunny hops."

"Cool. " I replied.

"Wanna see?" he asked

"Sure." I answered. Tommy grabbed his bike and rode onto the empty parking lot and pulled up his handlebars repeatedly, so it looked as if his bike was jumping up and down. It wasn't as impressive as the other boy's trick, but it was still cool.

   "Was that tight?" he asked me.

"Yep." I answered.

"Nah, be foreal."

"It was cool." I said. He smiled, put his bike down and sat next to me on the stairs. "You wanna go to the carnival with me?" he asked.

"I have never been to the carnival." I said. He looked at me amazed. "You've never been to the carnival?" he asked.

"Nope." I answered


"I don't know."

"Well, you need to go with me." he said. I refused his offer. I barely knew this guy. And even though I realky liked him, I wasn't sure if he would take me and leave me while he went with his friends.

   My mom came outside. All of the boys looked at her. "Hi, mom." Tommy said. My mom looked at me confused. Tommy waved. My mom smiled at him and said hi. Then, she walked over to Jonathan's mom. Tommy looked at me and said, " Your mom has a big butt." That made me feel really uncomfortable. "I know." I replied.

"You have a big butt too." he said to me.

"Umm, thanks?" I said. I knew he was lying. I was as skinny as a toothpick. He looked at me and got ready to leave. "Bye, beautiful." he said.

"Bye." I replied. Tommy stopped in his tracks. "I just called you beautiful and you just gonna say 'Bye'?"

"Well, what do you want me to say?" I asked. He looked at me and sat back down. I wish he would leave so I could go into the house. "You're beautiful." he said.

"So are you....." I replied unsure.

" No, I'm sexy, girl." I looked at him.

"Do you think I should cut my hair?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" Tommy told me that he used to have his hair cut low like Jonathan's. I looked at him.

"I think you should leave it like it is." I said.

"Okay." he said. Then, he told me 'Bye' again and left on his bike. I got up and went into the house. Thank you. I said to myself.

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