Chapter 19: Being Jealous

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Tommy sat by me in the bus one afternoon. He put his arm around me and looked me in my eyes. I didn't stare at him for long. His eyes were just too much for me. I don't really remember what he was saying. Something about me being beautiful and some other things. He was also asking me questions. I answered them softly.

   His arm was starting to get heavy and it was becoming uncomfortable. I know it had to have been uncomfortable for him too. He held his arm around my shoulder for a little while longer and then put his arm back into his lap. My neck still ached, but it was the thought that counted.

   Tommy asked me out again. I accepted once more. Jonathan had found out about it. I didn't notice at first, but Jonathan was becoming jealous of Tommy. I wasn't the type of girl who liked to go outside, but some how my brothers had convinced me to go up to the park with them. We walked and I saw Tommy. I was trying to avoid him, but I honestly don't know why. Tommy was playing streetball with some neighborhood boys around his age.

   Jonathan thought it wold be funny to call Tommy over. "Hey, Tommy!" Jonathan shouted. Tommy turned and saw me. Then, he smiled and jogged over. "Hey," he said," Where y'all going?" he asked.

"To the park." my brother chimed. I looked at Tommy. His face changed from happy to confused. "How come you never come outside when I want you to?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. Tommy looked hurt. "Well, I'm coming to the park with you." he said.

   One of the boys hollered for Tommy. He told them that he would finish the game later. So, we all walked to the park. Tommy picked me up and spun me around. I never mentioned that I despise being picked up. It's mostly because I am tall. When we got to the park, I sat on the bleachers and my brothers found some boys their age. Jonathan stayed close by me. I felt someone tap me on the back and I turned around. It was between Tommy and Jonathan I told them both to stop. I felt a tap again as soon as I turned around. I told them to stop again.

   Tommy asked me to go over to the picnic table with him. As we went over there, Jonathan followed and so did my brothers. I told my brothers to leave, but Jonathan stayed. Tommy asked Jonathan for a dollar. I don't know if he gave it to him, but he stopped asking. Jonathan slowly got mad after Tommy grabbed my hand. Tommy looked over at Jonathan. "You okay?" Tommy asked him.

"I'm Gucci." Jonathan replied.

"Nah," Tommy said, "nigga you're Louis." I giggled to myself. Tommy looked at me.

"Come with me to Keon's house." he told me, basically pleading. I told him that I couldn't, said goodbye to him, and went home.

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