"Let's just go to school." I stated.

Micah drove me to school and we arrived halfway into first period.

Ace saw me at the front door and hugged me tightly.

"Please don't ever do that again." He pleaded.

What did I do?

"Do what exactly?" I asked.

"Not answer my calls! I even went over to Dakota's and she said you weren't there! Your parents didn't even know where you were. Heck, Camilla, you came in an hour late and arrive with Micah? What the heck? Did you sleep with him? Did he rape you? Did you have sex with Micah? What the hell happened-" he put his hand over his mouth after the last few words he said.

"You think I would have sex with Micah? Or anyone for that matter?" I asked shocked. How could Ace ask such a thing?

"Camilla I-" He pleaded.

"Forget it Ace." I stammered. "If you can't trust me then go find another best friend." I ran off to first period completely ignoring anything he had to say to me.

*The next day*

"Good morning beautiful." Ace said as I answered his call this morning.

"I'm still mad at you." I responded.

"Baby I'm so sorry. If there's anything I can do for you I will." Ace begged.

He called me baby.

"Bring me some chocolate and some of treats tonight and we'll watch a couple episode of FRIENDS and then I'll be happy."

"That show again? We have to watch it every time you get mad at me though..."

"Sorry, I guess we can't be friends anymore then." I smirked.

"Fine, fine, FRIENDS and chocolate it is. Is tonight at 7 good? Then we can talk?"


We hung up and I couldn't stop smiling after hearing him call me beautiful. I guess Gwen couldn't help but notice.

"It's a boy isn't it?" She asked snooping into my business

"What are you talking about?" I asked as if I was confused.

"That giddy face you are wearing this morning, gives it away." She said. "Spill it, did someone ask you to the dance?" She asked.

"No... Ace and I kissed." I whispered the kiss part.

"You did what?!" She screamed. "My sister has a boyfriend, my sister has a boyfriend!" She chanted.

"Be quiet, the whole neighbourhood doesn't need to know." I said. "And he's not my boyfriend. Look, I will tell you more after school."

"Who has a boyfriend Guinevere?" My father asked as he entered the kitchen. "Camilla... You don't have a boyfriend do you?" He asked like he had something against it.

"No, Dad... It was just a miss-communication. I don't have a boyfriend, and I probably won't for a while." I told him that with a reassuring tone, although I somewhat didn't want it to be true.

"Okay, good. I thought my baby girl was growing up! Don't start seeing with boys just yet." He said smiling. He hugged me tightly. He almost said it as if he'd expected something. I'm thinking he probably should have told me that before, because I sort of am seeing a boy. Whoops my bad.

"Yeah dad, don't worry about me. Boys don't even like me."

Gwen gave me the stare as if to say, "You're such a terrible liar."

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