Kiss me (98)

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"That was brave" Jimin assured him, leaning against his shoulder.

"I won't call it brave" he insists, letting go of his phone again.

"What would you call it then?" Jimin ask, facing Hoseok, their faces only inches apart.

"Telling the truth... and" he sigh and look away from the boy in front of him "and?" Jimin ask, laughing lovingly at the older.

Despite them having kissed before, they still acted as if it never happened, like it was a dirty secret between the two.

"And moving on" the older smile up at the younger, taking his hand in his.

"I don't know what we are Jimin, however I don't want to move too fast if you aren't ready" he look at him with concerned eyes, the younger just nodding.

"In my opinion" Jimin start "things are going way too slow" Jimin laugh and bite his lip nervously.

"I am sorry about that! I really wanted to make you happy, but losing Yugyeom got the best of me really"

"I saw... I have never been more scared in my life! Than when I saw you without a light in your eyes! It's so unlike you, I love watching the new light grow" Jimin smile widely.

"Want to see sparkles in them?" Hoseok smirk.

"I would love to" Hoseok place a hand on each side of the youngers face, before kissing him carefully, slowly deepening the kiss.

Their lips move well together as they slight tilt their heads from side to side in an elegant pattern.

Love really do find you when you need it the most.

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