Idol (22)

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Jimin POV

Jin, Namjoon and I are number 8,9 and 10 in the line, meaning we will all go in together as the last once.

We decided to go in together to get as much time with J-hope as possible. We got told that you it's okay to do that.

The doors finally open and we are greeted by a tall man, who lead us into a room with a sofa and an armrest chair.

Namjoon and Jin jump into the sofa, leaving the last space on it for me. We all figure the chair was for J-hope. Jin and Namjoon let me sit close to him because they already met him.

As J-hope enter the room, I can feel nothing but my pulse in my ears, making me halfly deaf.

J-hope sit down in his chair, his eyes first on Namjoon, then Jin, he stops when he looks at me, a smile spreading over his face.

"Hey" Hobi greet us and wave happily at us, making shiver go down my spine.

"Hello Hope! Do you remember us? My name is Seokjin and this is Namjoon" Jin says overly.

J-hope laugh and nod. Making Jin scream and punch Namjoon repeating "he remember us! He remember us"

While that is going on, j-hope turn his attention to me and ask for my name, what my favorite colour is and my favorite song of his.

I tell him my name and of course favorite colour, I even end up singing part of my favorite song for him (which is Hope world)

He smile through it all.

As the meeting is about it end, a rather familiar voice sound from just behind J-Hope.

"Can I order pizza for after this?" He look up and meet my eyes. His phone fall to the ground and I can feel a mix of anger and happiness run through my body.

"Hoseok?" J-hope turn around and look at the boy behind him.


Tears start running down my face and I hurry to wipe them away.

"You Lied to me"

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