First stop pt 1. (89)

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"First stop is Right around the corner!" Jimin assure Jin and guide him.

They end up in front of a closed area, surrounded by a huge fence.

"Change clothes! All of you!" Jimin Command and throw a bag of clothes towards each of them.

"Jimin we look stupid!" Namjoon complain and look at his clothes.

"You need to wear this guys!" Jimin pout unsatisfied.

"I think I look hot" Taehyung says with playing around with his shirt, making a few sexy poses.

"Don't you agree Min Yoongi" he continue and finger gun the older while winking.

"God give me strength!" Jimin mumble and lean against the trunk beside Hoseok.

"Haven't heard you complain"

"Maybe because I like it?"

"You do?"

"I think it's cool! We all look super awesome! But... what for?"

"I will tell you after we snap some pics for insta!" Jimin promise and playfully slap the olders ass.

"Did he just?" Jin whisper to Namjoon.

"I think he did"

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