Chapter 22: Glass Slipper

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Opening sequence,
The Fairy Godmother is shown flittering in the forest.

Flashback: In the Alternate Reality, Jacinda is about to receive a wish from her fairy godmother, but the godmother is killed first by Facilier and robbed of her wand. He grants Jacinda her wish to escape her home, but in return requires her to sign a  contract. Facilier transforms Jacinda into an elegant woman complete  with glass slippers, warning her that all magic has a price. Several  months later, at a gala wedding ball for Jacinda and her new husband,  Prince Sam, Dorothy and Prince Edward congratulate the couple on their wedding, as does Facilier who  tells Jacinda that he does not care for her riches or baubles, but instead  shall claim her firstborn child. Jacinda tells Sam about the deal with Facilier. Seeking to  avoid fulfilling this deal, Sam, Edward, the munchkins, and mama Odie  come up with a plot to capture Facilier by luring him into  signing another contract. Hours later, Jacinda and Facilier meet to  sign the deal. Jacinda lies to him and says she is expecting twins and will  give him both of the babies in exchange for improving the crops and  wealth of the kingdom. A skeptical Facilier agrees, but as he  signs the contract, he is rendered powerless due to a special white quill  pen, that was created by Mama Odie. He is captured. Than Jacinda and Sam is now happy to have a family. End of flashback

Present day Storybrooke, Renee encounters a 17-year-old pregnant nanny named Dana Jackson, crying about not having a future for both her and her baby. Renee tells Dana that she knows how it feels to have a baby at a young  age. She encourages Dana to take charge and change her life. Later  that evening, Dana breaks into Mr. Facilier's Emporium and steals a  contract from a safe. While there, she is confronted by Mr. Facilier, who  attempts to stop her. Dana attacks him, leaving him unconscious on the  floor of his shop.

The next day, Mr. Facilier asks Renee to track down Dana. He claims that  she has something that belongs to him and that Dana is unstable and  troubled. Renee reluctantly agrees, and learns from Roni that she should stop by the home of her ex-boyfriend Evan . Renee goes there and speaks to Evan and his father, finding out that it  is the latter that has told him not to get involved with the pregnant  teenager. Renee discovers that Roni has given her car to Dana so that  she can leave Storybrooke and head to Manhattan. Renee and Grace find the vehicle has crashed just short of the city's limits, with Dana about to deliver the baby. Back at the hospital, Dana gives birth to a boy, just in time for  Mr. Facilier to pick up his "merchandise." Renee tells Mr. Facilier that even if  he was to take the child away, he could face legal troubles that could  cost him dearly. Mr. Facilier then offers a deal for Renee in which he'll  give up his questionable claim to the child and in return, Renee will owe  him a favor. Renee agrees. After she leaves, Evan shows up to see his  child, and they name the boy Luke. Later that night, Zelena then approached Renee for help afterwards. Renee agreed to help. Than Facilier approach them and tells Zelena, who knows about what and why the Candy Killer is after her. Igraine Storm walks in, which revealed her true identity as the Candy Killer. She holds a gun to Zelena, as Renee takes out her gun and tells Igraine to drop the gun, than Igraine shot Zelena in the leg and Renee shot her. Than Zelena went to the hospital and Igraine got arrested and was injured.

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