Chapter 2: Wicked is Coming

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Opening Sequence,
The Dark Curse rumbles in the forest.

Flashback: Prince Edward rides to the rescue of Dorothy Gale, who is comatose after putting under a deep slumber that was given to her by the Wicked Witch. Doc informs Edward that he is too late, but Edward kisses Dorothy regardless, breaking the curse. On the wedding day of Dorothy Gale and Prince Edward, the Wicked Witch arrives and delivers an ominous threat about a powerful curse she intends to release upon them. Some time later, a pregnant Dorothy is worried about the curse and visits the Wizard of Oz. who issues a prophecy that the Witch's curse will take them all someplace terrible where there will be no happy endings. He also reveals that Dorothy Gale's unborn daughter, Renee Gale, will return when she is 28 years old to rescue them, the beginning a crucial battle with the Wicked Witch. Following the Wizard's advice, Georgetta and Pinocchia fashion a wardrobe from a enchanted tree which will allow one person to escape the Witch's curse. On the day Dorothy Gale gives birth to her daughter, the Wicked Witch's curse strikes. Prince Edward places their daughter in the magic wardrobe, but is mortally wounded battling the Witch's flying monkeys. The Wicked Witch stands triumphantly over Dorothy and Prince Edward, as the Curse takes them "somewhere horrible."
At the wedding of Dorothy and Prince Edward the Wicked Witch announces her plan to cast a terrible curse on everyone. Despite the misgivings of the Magic crystal ball and her valet, she goes to see the Evil Queen, Regina, to whom she has the Dark Curse. Regina refuses to return the curse, but the Wicked Witch defeats her in a magical battle, taking the curse's scroll. She lets the Evil Queen live, stating that the sorceress is the only friend and sister she has. Later in the forest, the Wicked Witch assembles a number of dark creatures in Oz. She demands a lock of hair from each of the assembly in order to cast the curse and sacrifices the heart of her lover to complete the spell. The curse, however, successful. Alone in the forest, the Wicked Witch lays a black rose on her lover's grave. The headstone bears the inscription "Grayson, Beloved husband." End of Flashback

Present day: Around Storybrooke, residents notice the clock tower's hands moving. Zelena looks through the book of fairy tales and discovers that the last few pages are torn out. She confronts Grace, who lies and says that the pages are missing because it is an old book. Zelena learns Renee is still in town when the clock's hands move forward. Believing that Renee Gale will try to take Grace away from her, Zelena encourages Renee to leave town. Zelena meets with The Daily Crystal-ball editor, Walsh Townsend who has run a front-page story about Renee's auto accident which portrays Renee in a poor light, but tells Zelena that he has found very little of interest in Renee's past.

Grace tells Renee that she has a plan for them to break the curse, called "Operation Greenface". The first step is to associate her book's characters with each of the Storybrooke residents, as no one can remember their past. Grace explains to a skeptical Renee that she is the daughter of Dorothy Gale and Prince Edward. Concerned about Grace, Renee goes to see her hunting teacher, Jason Hucher, She is willingly given Grace's file, only to be arrested when Jason claims she stole it. Zelena unsuccessfully tries to use the incident to divide Renee and Grace. Renee retaliates by attacking Zelena's lime tree with a chainsaw.

Back at the inn, Roni apologetically kicks Renee out, telling her they have a no-felons policy. Zelena suggests to Renee that they meet at her office to make peace. Once there, Renee tells Zelena that she does not plan to take Grace away, but that she is worried about Grace's sanity because of her "crazy" fairy-tale theory. Grace overhears Renee and runs away, hurt. Zelena acknowledges that she knew Grace would arrive just in time to hear their conversation. Renee later tells Grace that she thinks the curse is crazy, but that does not mean it is not true. She also tells her that in order to break the curse, they must keep Zelena off their trail by making her think that they don't believe in the curse.

As Zelena tends the lime tree, Mr.Weaver offers to help Zelena get rid of Renee, for a price. Zelena says that she is not in the business of making deals with him anymore, and Weaver acknowledges that she had made a deal with him in the past to procure Grace. He asks Zelena how she chose the name Grace; she does not answer. She questions him about Renee's past, and he is equally evasive. When Weaver attempts to walk away, Zelena presses him for an answer, causing Weaver to say "please", forcing Zelena to obey. As Weaver walks away, Zelena watches in shock and worry, suggesting that she suspects that Weaver remembers their lives in the alternate Enchanted Forest.

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