Chapter 21: What We Become

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Opening Sequence,
Dorothy and Prince Edward walk through the forest.

Flashback: In the Alternate Realty, The King of the South men catch up with Prince Edward and princess Tiana To cover the prince's escape. Back in the cottage, Dorothy Gale is humming "With a Smile and a Song," Than a bounty tells Dorothy and she learns that the Wicked Witch will soon be route to her Spring palace. Dorothy goes to visit the Shadow Lord, Dorothy tells Facilier that she does desire to have her love back, but she can't until the witch is dead and wants his help in killing the Wicked Witch, so he gives her a magical bow and arrow. After Dorothy has left, Edward asks Facilier to tell him where Dorothy is. Facilier reminds him that true love can find each other, and gives him a map of Dorothy's whereabouts in exchange for Edward's cloak. Hours later in the woods, Edward ambushes her from behind, kissing her passionately. Than Edward reminds Dorothy that he would die for her, which Dorothy is touched by. He then kisses her again and she begins to fall in love with him, but their reunion is short-lived as King of the South of Oz army finds Edward and Dorothy, as Dorothy is shoved away while Edward is put into a moving prison. Dorothy swears she will find him and as she goes to the Munchkins village to get help to rescue prince Edward, the Munchkins agree to help with their plans to rescue Edward. Meanwhile, Facilier takes a hair from Edward's cloak and pairs it with Dorothy's hair, then bottles it successfully, labeling it "True Love." End of flashback

Present day Storybrooke, Renee Gale is trying to regain custody of Grace from the town mayer, Zelena. She contacts Evan, a lawyer whom she has been with in her past and is Grace's biological father. Renee leaves a message to call her back. Meanwhile, Hope rushes out the door and goes to the food truck at 7:19 in the morning to see Elias getting coffee for himself and Lisa. Hope buys some chocolate to drown her woes and runs right into Lisa at the sidewalk. Later, Elias goes to Hope and tells her that he still picks her and not Lisa. Than he kiss Hope, as Hope backs down and says she cant do this right now and walks away. Zelena goes to the library and visits her blind friend, she makes a deal with the blind witch, At the mayor's house Zelena gives the blind witch some nice luxury clothes to wear. Than Zelena makes her a Storybrooke restadent with the name, Igraine Storm, she now has a business in the town that is a candy store. Igraine says thanks to Zelena for becoming a friend to a blind woman. Zelena tells her that it's no problem and that she needs all the Allies that she can get. Natalie hires Roni at her food truck until Roni can be able to repair her diner, That night when Zelena walks to her car from the candy store, the masked Candy Killer goes after Zelena but she escaped his attempts and drives away.

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