Sneak Peak....

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Here's a sneak peak...
From the second book of "Heroes and Villains" (Sequel)

Facilier decides to get revenge on Zelena; and later in Arendelle, Kristoff, Anna, and Jack face a shadow wraith as they search for Elsa. In Storybrooke Renee prevents a mob of townspeople, led by Walsh, from attacking Zelena, who is powerful the fact that magic is now in Storybrooke.

In Arendelle with Anna and Elsa's parents sailing harsh waters, preparing for the worst; they release a message in a bottle to the water, containing the truth behind their expedition, before the ship capsizes.
Five years later, Anna and Elsa prepare for Anna's wedding to Kristoff when Elsa finds her mother's diary, which reveals that the reason for their "business" trip had to do with Elsa's seemingly uncontrollable ice powers. Elsa feels guilty that she may be the reason for their deaths, but Anna sets out to prove it wasn't, and meets with Grand Pabbie, the Troll King, to find out where their parents had gone. He reveals that they were headed to a land called Misthaven.

Later, Anna goes missing and Elsa seeks out Kristoff to help her find Anna. He reveals that she has set out to new Misthaven in an effort to prove to Elsa she was not the cause of her parents demise. Kristoff reveals that there is another name for the new Misthaven: the Enchanted Forest in the Alternate Realty.

In Storybrooke, Elsa emerges from the barn where she entered Storybrooke. Elsa the Ice Queen. She removes her gloves and unleashes an icy blast that destroys her former prison, before heading out of the barn, leaving a trail of frozen ground behind her. Bobby and Alex the two munchkins are driving down the road when they almost run into Elsa; she freezes the truck before impact.

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