Usami and Kakashi are one in the same

Start from the beginning

They went to a couple of different stores after that, Alicia making it clear she wasn't going to buy Monica anything, and Monica pretending she hadn't heard her. At one point, Zee just gave up and went back to the park to read, assuming the others will just come back once they were done with their shopping.

And come back, they did. Not without significantly more bags of candy in hand and significantly less money in their pockets than before, but they did come back.

Zee put his book back in their bag, making a mental note to talk about some of the scenes with Alicia later, and took a look in the bags, "More chocolate?" They looked to Monica, "We just had a ton," they were obviously pinning all the blame on Monica, but only received a glare in return.

Monica didn't really say anything in reply, instead opening another bag. After a quick glance inside, Zee realized all it was was Spider-Man merchandise, they didn't even know they sold that at the Pharmacy. "This," Monica took out a box with the words 'All nighter Spider' written in bold on the front, "Is what I chose to spend my money on," She proclaimed happily.

Zee then turned to Alicia with a frown on their face.

"What? It's not like we're going to eat it right now," Alicia defended herself, although both Monica and Zee knew she was definitely lying to herself.

Monica laughed a short laugh before catching herself, "Wait, you guys aren't even gonna ask what 'All nighter Spider' means?" She held up the offending item in a last ditch attempt to get their attention, "The name is like 90% of the reason I bought it!"

It was a little too late, as her two friends were already heading back up the hill. "Hurry up, it's getting late and we need to be back before dark!" Alicia at the very least called back to her.

"Y'know I'm gonna keep talking about this damn thing, right? I could go the whole way on the name alone," And wow, Monica's good at talking about things that Alicia didn't even realize she couldn't care less about.

It was kind of a last minute idea, Alicia only texted them about it that morning and it was a wonder Zee could make it, with how they are about planning.



you guys wanna sleep over tonight

Seen at 10:09


I'd play with Ishida senpai's joystick (T-34)

ehhhhhck idk ill ask my mom or sister i dont know or brother

I'll tell you about my fetish

yeah sure but don't invite strawberry he's rapey

Seen at 12:45



That's nice

I'm taking that as a yes from you Monica, be here by like 2

Seen at 1:35


Ahhhhh TOG - My HEART

i can be there by 3

Seen at 2:22


I'd play with Ishida senpai's joystick (T-34)



So instead of going their separate ways, they went back to Alicia's father's house.

Of course, the first thing on Zee's mind was "Do you have any chips?"

And of course Alicia's reply was "Yes," as it's rare that she doesn't have any somewhere when friends were over.

Monica automatically went downstairs and into the food storage room to grab 3 sodas, she didn't bother asking, Blackberry Ginger Ale and a bag of chips was generally how they spent their time together.

And so, time flew by, taking turns deciding on background music to play while they played board games, turned into who gets which blanket while watching anime on Netflix, turned into napping on whichever blanket fell on the floor turned into Alicia deciding it was time for bed.

Monica decided on the chair as she believed the only way to comfortably sleep was to be uncomfortable, she admitted it didn't make any sense but stuck to it anyways. Zee called dibs on big couch while Alicia was in the washroom, so when she returned, she was informed the decision was made for her.

Not until everyone was settled down and on their phones, reading before bed, did Alicia remember the question lingering in her mind, "What did you mean in the park?" She said, the room was dark but Monica's face was properly illuminated by her phone.

Thanks to that, the confusion was obvious in her expression.

"I mean," Alicia set her IPad down and sat up, "You said that I'll find something out soon," It wasn't an exact quote but apparently jogged Monica's memory enough to relieve her face of the confusion.

Monica turned off her phone, with 2 of the 3 lights in the room off, it was much harder to know what she was doing but the sound made it apparent that she was sitting up. "I'm not sure," She confessed, "Sometimes I say things to be silly, but I guess I said that because it felt right? I'm don't know."

Alicia frowned in thought, she supposed it made enough sense coming from Monica but still didn't completely understand. She muttered a noise of acknowledgment and lied back down, she didn't really feel like reading right now.

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