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Rosa Hampton

      ROSA LAID STRETCHED out on her bed, her toes wriggling slightly as Timothée flicked through the script. He was humming and blowing a curl that kept falling into his eyes. Rosa resisted the urge to reach up and push it out of his face.

Although the two had only been speaking for a few weeks, nobody could ever deny how well they worked together. Timothée clearly adored Rosa with all of his heart and she did him. Armie always made jokes about how smitten Timothée was m, but any observing person could see how true his teasing was.

"Found anything interesting?" Her voice dropped in his ears, the sweet melody making him look up and face her, a smiling tempting on his lips.

"Not yet."

Looking for the kiss scene I presume? Is what really wanted to come out of Rosas mouth. Let's rehearse right now. But she kept quiet simply replying with a sigh, picking up her own script and starting from the back rather than the front.

"Why are you looking?" He question, one eyebrow raised making Rosa sigh a little, gosh he was beautiful. "Just seeing if theres anything interesting later on." She replied, teasing. Timothée couldn't resist his smile that lit up his whole face. He also couldn't stop staring at her. She noticed but never said a word.

"What is interesting to you?" Timothée has now rested his head on the back of his hand and burrowed his elbow into the crease of his leg, just where the knee bends.

"Anything that isn't ordinary." Rosa replied. "Like that one scene from Blue Waters Below where Tom had to grind on this girl, making really loud sex noises. It was so fun my."

Timothée smiled, again. He enjoyed listening to Rosa talk and explain things to him. He enjoyed her company. He enjoyed her. "Ah I understand. Something like the peach scene?"

Rosas head quickly looked up, a bright red tone spreading onto her cheeks like a rash. She nibbled the inside of her cheek. That scene - even though she would never ever admit it - made her feel strange. But in a good way. "I-I guess." She stumbles a little, swallowing the pressure in her throat.

"Page 84." He turned to it, flinging his script on top of hers, grinning. His bottom lip was sucked into his mouth as he watched hers being sunken into by her top teeth, her eyes wandering the page, reading over the characters love making scene, in deep thought. Her cheeks went red as she read further down. "Found it yet?"

"You have to um-" she cleared her throat. "Grab my bare boobs?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow. "My actual bare tits?"

A laugh erupted from the boys throat as he watched her face. It was covered in disbelief but also slight excitement as she was thinking of Timothées hands on her breasts. She sighed, closing the script, chucking it back at him. "Loser."

But Timmy found himself historically laughing, now on his back as Rosa proceeded to join him, leaving them in a tangled laughing mess on her bed, each content with one another, each wanting more from one another.

𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 • 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡é𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐭Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum