Part 131(15)

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'I told you I'd catch you! And now I got you cornered!'

'You did not catch me, I stumbled! And we're in the middle of the desert! I can run in any direction!'

Alain shifts to his human form and even as a wolf, Jena can't help but admire his physique, skin slightly whiter then hers, black hair and dark eyes, fixed on her as if trying to hypnotize her into staying put.

Every muscle moves fluidly as he closes the distance, each one sporting an elegant definition, nothing overgrown, nothing too large or scary, nothing like Al'Aeen.

'He is so perfect!'

"Thank you! But I feel it is unfair if you remain a wolf. Not that Lana isn't gorgeous, but I really want to see you!"

Shit, I said that out loud.

'Maybe I'll just keep running!'

"I see. Edrik?"

'Right, Lana please take over and shift, then stay put for a few seconds, please!' Edrik addresses Jena's wolf.

'What? Lana no! Damn you, traitor!'

'You'll thank me later, sister! Have fun!' Lana finishes just before Alain picks Jena up bridal style.

"Wow, you are so beautiful!"

She reddens up everywhere.

"You've seen me before!"

"Not with these eyes. Al'Aeen was such an idiot! I don't think I'll ever have enough of you!"

"Are we going somewhere?" She asks noticing they are still moving.

"Just over the next ridge."

"OK, may I ask why?"

"I have a surprise for you."

"What could you... oh. That wasn't here yesterday!"

"I know very important people in my new pack."

"But en entire Alpha travel tent? And we are almost at the edge of the pack's territory!"

"Don't worry, patrols have been adjusted accordingly. We're perfectly safe, though, between you and me, I doubt anyone would be crazy enough to attack us."

"I thought you were feeling like you need a lot of training to get in shape and used to your body."

"Probably true if Edrik wasn't helping.

I find everything overwhelmingly easy to do, not to mention I haven't forgotten anything already learned and when I fully synchronize with him while fighting, it's like I've always fought like this, like Alain and Edrik.

I dare say I never felt this powerful before. There was always something missing, like playing the piano with just one hand.

I mean yeah, in terms of raw strength, Al'Aeen had a lot more. But if I had to fight him now, I have no doubt I would come on top."

"So who helped you?"

"You're not going to punish anyone, right?"

"Because they helped my mate? Of course not!"

"Conall, Vi, Alastair, Sandheeya. Even Joel and Hannah helped a little."

"You didn't joke about knowing important people in the pack. I mean I know you know them, but how did they recognize you?"

"Conall did as soon as he saw me. Which means Vi found out immediately. She tracked me down and asked for an explanation and Sandheeya stumbled over by accident while I was explaining things to Vi. Or so she said. And Hannah... well, your healer is scary. I went there for the mandatory check up and I felt like she was looking directly into my soul!"

"I see. So how did you convince them to help? This looks like a lot of work," Jena says looking around once inside.

The setting looks more comfortable than her actual living accommodation.

"I told them my plans and that I didn't think I could do it by myself in time. After I asked them if they would actually mind hearing their Alpha scream for a couple of days. Oddly enough, they all volunteered to help."

"Why would I scream? From what I read, it should be pleasant. Except for the first time, but that happens only once. Or perhaps you want us to spar? I mean I do enjoy fighting."

"If fighting gets you all hot and bothered we'll do that too, but the screams are not from fighting. Fcuk it! I'll just show you!" He says capturing the lower lip between his own, still not letting her go from his arms.

In Love Through War - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now