Part 90

332 38 13

"So with this, Mountain River pack I command you to listen to this man as if he was your Alpha and through the duration of this training, from dawn 'till dusk you will obey his words as if they were my own. I will so as well, right there by your side," Aaron finishes, having been pointing at Al'Aeen the entire time.

"As will I! Multi-Unity, my Alpha command to you is the same as Alpha Aaron's to his own pack. I will stand by your side as we do this!" Jena adds solemnly.

All eyes turn to Sorin, expectantly, who starts talking several moments later.

"This war-form has proven efficient in fighting warhogs. That is undeniable. It will help us fight the monsters that killed my son, your future Alpha, before he even had a chance to properly show you all how great he really was. It will help us get revenge for all those we've lost to those damn warhogs. And in the long run, it will help us maintain our strength and our lands since you've all witnessed the Mountain River and Multi-Unity packs getting ready to learn this new fighting form. There is no way Southern Star will be left behind!

As such I command you all to listen to Al'Aeen, every day for the duration of this training as if he was me! And I will listen to him as if he was my father when the bastard was alive and still my Alpha. That is all!"

Al'Aeen walks to the rock Sorin has just jumped off of, but doesn't go up. He is still almost a head higher than everyone else and the canyon walls have proven good at amplifying sound.

Vi comes by his side as he beckons her over.

"You know her, you know what she did yesterday. And you know she can probably take each and every one of you down quickly, assuming she doesn't hold back like she did in her last fight."

Sorin harrumphs, but doesn't say anything.

"She is, and probably always will be the foremost werewolf Master of the war-form."

Vi gulps, feeling the tips of her ears turning red but she is grateful the attention received is nothing more than a few glances, before everyone turns back to the commanding giant beside her.

"So I have a single command to give you all, the ones deemed able fighters by your packs. It's made of only two words.. Obey her!" As he says that, she lifts Vi by the middle, placing her on top of the rock.

"You mean she's training us?" a voice asks.

"But what about you? Aren't you the one that taught it to her? "

"Yeah! Why don't you do it?" asks yet another person.

"I'm not a wolf, so how could I be a werewolf Master?"

"You know what he meant!"

"I've given her the information that works with my were type, which I doubt most of you were even aware existed before meeting me. How she mastered it along with her wolf, only she can teach you. Not to mention that by your inquiries, I feel like you are questioning an Alpha command because the last time I checked, dawn has passed and dusk has yet to come. Again, you will obey her!"

"I'm NOT taking orders from a little she-wolf!" Sorin bellows and many in his pack approve, either verbally or just by nodding their heads.

"So all your inspiring words earlier, were just horseshit, just like your Alpha command to your people and the fact about you obeying me like I was your long lost daddy-o?" Al'Aeen asks him, stepping closer until he's only three feet away from Sorin.

The crowd holds its breath for the answer.

"Are you trying to mock me, Al'Aeen?"

"Am I? Or have you already done that yourself? DUDE! She – he says pointing at Vi, who tries to look dignified on top of the rock as all eyes turn to her again – had her claws touching your heart through your lung! You are alive because the match was non-lethal."

The crowd gasps, realizing how close a call it was for Southern Star to change leadership.

"SO! What will it be, Alpha Sorin? Was everything coming out of your mouth horse shit? Yes, I am using the words on purpose and if you have a problem with it, remember I'm bigger than Vi. If she beat the crap out of you, what do you think will happen when you face my war-form without the non-lethal clause of a friendly fight? I'm actually going to take a knee – and he drops to his knee, putting his hands together – and I really mean this: I beg you to think things through and not make me an Alpha. I really don't want it!

However – and he gets up, walking back by Vi side near the rock – even if you don't provoke me and just leave this place, are you sure everyone in Southern Star will follow? When in just six or seven days, they could become more powerful than you?

And even if you have such a loyal following that nobody would betray you given the chance to take your place, how long until Southern Star becomes nothing more than a footnote in history's scrolls, as the pack that did not learn the war-form, quickly losing their power and territories to smaller, more progressive packs?

You're awfully silent, and this crowd is getting restless. What will it be? Join the training or clear the area along with the non-combatants?"

*A.N.: Still prewritten parts exist :D so 7x'Give next' comments for the next one quickly and ahead of schedule.

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