Part 26

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The creepy red head melts quickly back into the clay basin and the liquid becomes almost clear, a gentle pink hue the only reminder that everything really happened.

"So tell me, Jena's mate, do you plan to accept the Master's offer?"

"What's it to you? Not your concern."

"Oh, it is buddy. You see, I plan to kill Jena, I want her dead. I wanted you dead as well honestly, but assuming you end up as the Master's puppet, I'll have to settle for Jena's death as my only comfort."

For a reason unknown to him, Al'Aeen's heart cringes everytime Lindator mentions Jena and wanting her dead.

"Otaktay said I could have her."

"Look at you, all buddy-buddy with the Master now. You think one conversation makes you his friend?

And honestly, I can't just let things slide for the death of my mate, so after I kill Jena – the big man's heart constricts once more – actually no. You see, the ideal situation would be for you to refuse the Master tomorrow, so I can kill you, then tell Jena about it.

Let's say I'm unlucky and you accept. I'll just have to find a way to capture Jena, then slaughter her pack while she watches. With the mental torture almost complete I'll continue telling her how the Master offered you a way home and you immediately took it in return for some information about the Eastern Alliance camp or some other irrelevant information like that, and you instantly took it, her existence completely forgotten from your mind."

"You are a sick bastard and a liar!"

"She killed my mate, it's only natural! Don't you know people without their mate go crazy? Look at me! Crazy as shit! But wait, there's more!

If she is not completely destroyed by then, I'll make sure to give her a proper beating, broken bones and everything, then..."

"Right. She's just going to wipe the floor with you with one hand behind her back."

"Well, one thing you got right, but both hands will be behind her back. You think I'm about to play fair? She killed my mate with a buzz!"



"It's called a buss, not buzz. A buzz is something..."

"Shut him up!"

The warhogs jump forward and Al'Aeen once more finds himself tasting the sand.

"Raised, don't be an idiot! I was talking to the guy! Clamp his mouth shut and raise his head a little so I can see his face. Nice!

So where was I before you interrupted?"

With excitement in his eyes, Lindator quickly stands and starts pacing.

"Oh yeah, I'm going to take my time showing her all my frustration, both left and right, repeatedly – he shows Al'Aeen his fists as he says that – and when I'm bored with beating the crap out of her, I'll let the warhogs have their fun.

You know, they have needs too and I'm willing to bet they never played with an Alpha female before.

To top it all off, again assuming she is still conscious, I'll kill everyone in the pack in front of her eyes.

And finally, I'll put an end to her misery. I believe I shall be using a horse-drawn carriage and run her over multiple times.

Sounds a bit like my mate died. Poetic, no?"

A deranged grin decorates Lindator's face as he smiles at the big man. Remembering the child still on his right arm, he turns to her.

"Isn't the right little one?" Lindator asks, wiggling his index finger in front of her nose as if making a point.

"Just die," E says and bites his finger hard, drawing a bit of blood, and obviously startling him as he pushes her away from him, dropping her.

"Stupid fcuking kid!"

While her fall doesn't actually look that bad, it is more than enough for E to start crying.

A piercing cry, loud and demanding. A cry for help, for safety and protection.

A cry that has Al'Aeen's blood boiling in his veins, his body shaking with the force of a shift that can no longer be held back, despite the consequences.

*A.N.: I managed to write part 27 yesterday, sooo...

Counter reset to 0, at 7 comments with 'give next', I will publish it :)

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