"It should be single spaced in twelve point font. I want at least a full page. You have this evening, and tomorrow to write this paper, so don't come to me on Wednesday with a load of crap."

Mr. Summerton probably seems like a mean guy but I, along with my class enjoys how laid back and carefree he is. He swears and he crack jokes about his students and overall, I'm never bored in his class. The first half of class was over and we were returning from our passing period break when Kristen walked in. With her short skirt blowing back in forth as she pranced in her heels, she grabbed a seat and starred blankly ahead.

Mr. Summerton didn't look too happy. "Where's your pass?"

"I obviously don't have one." It's one thing to walk into a teacher's classroom late at my school, but then to sass them and bitch at them for your own personal reasons is another.

"Then you obviously need to go get one." He snapped. "Go down to the security office and get a detention slip."

"Mr. Summerton you're being ridiculously unfair right now. People show up late all the time, get off my ass, man."

Mr. Summerton was usually cool about people showing up to his class a few minutes late; but almost an entire hour of school had passed before she came.

"I don't know what's up your ass this morning, but you better pull it out right now and get yourself  together."

Not knowing what to say, she sat up in her chair and took out a notebook.

It was rare that Mr. Summerton would get upset with one of us, but it happened. For the next few minutes we just sat there as he cooled off. We were waiting to be called down to the auditorium for the school's fall play as we talked amongst each other. I wanted to pick up the unwanted tension in the room and throw it miles and miles away but Kristen would find away to bring it back. When Ms. Brody from the main office called us down I pretended to be looking for my phone as the class headed downstairs.

It was my first time being in the classroom alone with Mr. Summerton when he wasn't in a good mood. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," he forced a smile. "I just really hate this job sometimes."

I knew where be was coming from-all I had to do was sit in multiple classes for a few hours and I couldn't even stand the place.

"Then get a new job."

"Nah, you guys would miss me too much."

It was true, we all would miss Mr. Summerton if he left, but it's not like I'd have him as a teacher next year so it wouldn't matter too much to me. Either way, with all of the degrees Mr. Summerton has, he could get any job he wants.

Every year the Suncrest High drama department puts on a play the week of Thanksgiving break. They hardly have anything to do with Thanksgiving, but they're (sometimes) entertaining.

By the time I raced down to the auditorium, the seats near Alison had been filled up and I was forced to take a seat in the back.

The play had started and I was sitting in the back alone when a boy took a seat next to me. I was fiddling with my sleeve paying semi-attention to the play when I looked up to see Eric sitting next to me. "You look kind of lonely back here."

"I'm fine."

I tried putting up a cold front with him, but it didn't last too long. He didn't have Steven's charm, but he'd repeatedly make me laugh until I started to cry. "See, I'm not a bad guy."

"No, you're not. But you and I both know what you want and it's not happening." I didn't like constantly shooting Eric down but I wasn't going to start whoring around with him and Steven.

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