Episode 8: Group Project Pt 1

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A/N: This is gonna be a long chapter, so grab a snacc.

Abbie: You kids are way too tiring, I'm taking a break!

Audrey: Am I the only one who's relieved about this? Please tell me I'm not.

Lana: You're not the only one.

Emma: Nope. Definitely not. 

Abbie: Ugh, whatever. Respect your elders. ANYWAY, today there will be a guest teacher.

Audrey: Why not our own teacher?

Abbie: Because. 

*Everyone rolls their eyes, while Abbie casually ignores everyone.

Abbie: You will be doing a group project so I can take a break from you crazy kids.

Emma: A group project? Oh no...

*All of a sudden, a random person walks in.

Ms. Macc: Hello. I am the AKC. I name is also Ms. Macc, your guest teacher.

Audrey: Eww, Ms. Macc? What kind of name is that?

Carson: AKC as in what? Artificial Kids Creator? Artificial Kale Cruncher? Because if you're not those things, please get out. Actually, just get out entirely. 

Ms. Macc: No, I am the Annoying Kids Controller.

Everyone: Banish her!

Ms. Macc: I don't think so. *makes a computer playing heart surgery appear (because that is apparently what my class likes to watch)* 

Everyone: OHHHHHHHHHHHH! *@wat_17 hint hint*

Audrey: No, don't watch that! She's just trying to make us behave or something with that!

Emma *eyes glued to the screen*: wHaT?

Audrey: Oh, come on Emma.

Emma: Swiggity swaggity we are watching heart surgery! <- creds to @clairebear505 for this .

Audrey: STOP! *grabs for the computer*

Ms. Macc: No, I will not allow you to sabotage my work. 

*Thankfully, Lana is busy writing fandoms, so she's not watching any heart surgery.

*Audrey grabs Lana's computer.

Lana: Hey!

Audrey: You will help me stop Ms. Macc from letting them watch heart surgery!

Lana: Ugh. 

Audrey: I'll give you food!

Lana: Only if you give me grapes.

Audrey: Yeah, yeah. Whatever.

*What will happen now that Ms. Macc is here? Find out in the next episode of KUWTMK.

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