Episode 2: A Road Trip

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Abbie: Okay, what are we doing today?

Emma: Why do we even need a producer/host? 

Abbie: Because I want money so I can get a Toyota for my dog.

Audrey: Um, okay. Can we fire you then?

Abbie: No, because then I won't be able to get a Toyota for my dog.

Lana: No one cares about your dog or the Toyota.

Abbie: Anyway, today we are going on a road trip!

Michael: But my data doesn't work on buses! If it doesn't work, then I can't play my Super Mario!

Shane: No one cares about your stupid game.

Audrey: Wait, if we're going on a road trip without any electronics, or wi-fi, then how are we gonna survive? AHH!

Abbie: You LOOK at the nature.

Audrey: But what if I don't want to look at the nature?

Abbie: Too bad.

Audrey: Can we fire you? 

Everyone: Yeah! 

Audrey: I'll make the petition. 

Abbie: No! I'm not quitting!

Audrey: Yes you are!

Abbie: What if I bought wi-fi and plugged it in the bus?

Audrey: Put your pens down people! We don't need the petition! Yet!

Lana: Ooh, growth mindset.

Abbie: Okay, let's go on the bus! I'm so excited!

Audrey: I'm not.

Blaine: Hey! She tricked us! There's no wi-fi in here!

Abbie: Patience! I'm plugging it in!

*Was there really wi-fi on the bus? Find out in the next episode of KUWTMC.

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