Episode 3: A Road Trip Pt 2

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A/N: I made a character descriptions chapter, so you can see what the characters are like. And hi again from a long break! Oops.

Audrey: So, there isn't Wi-Fi huh?

Lana: We have been scammed!

Carson: No freak Sherlock.

Emma: Shut up, Carson.

Carson: You shut up.

Emma: NO YOU.

Carson: HECK OFF.

Emma: How about no?

Abbie: Come down, kiddos. The Wi-Fi should be up in a minute. 

Audrey: Okay, if there's no Wi-Fi in 50 seconds, we're firing you. 

Random Person: I have the petition!

Abbie: Er, I just need to, uh, run to the store. Be right back!

Emma: She's getting the Wi-Fi. I KNOW THAT LOOK ON HER FACE!

Carson: No freak Sherlock.

*Carson and Emma start fighting all over again.

Audrey: Can you stop? If you don't I'm gonna start shipping you two.

*Carson and Emma immediately stop.

Audrey: Much better.

Carson *in a disturbing Aussie accent (happy now, @clairebear505?)* : Hey moite!


Ten minutes later, Abbie comes back with a Wi-Fi box.

Abbie *panting of tiredness*: There. The Wi-Fi.

Audrey: You made it back just in time. We were just gonna leave to send the petition off.

Abbie: But I made it back in time. 

Audrey: I know you did. I was just saying that you made it back just in time, and that if you came a second later we would send the petition off.

Abbie: But you didn't.

Audrey: Fine then. If that's what you want, you'll get what you want! Send the petition!

Abbie: Wait! No! I don't wanna get fired!

Audrey: Excuses, excuses.

Abbie: Fine! I'll shut up and you guys be the teacher and I'll be the MACC kid.

Emma: But you're not weird enough.

Audrey: What she means is we get to boss her around so she can get that Toyota for her dog.

Emma: But I did have a point.

Audrey: Well, if we're the "teachers", than the road trip is off!

Abbie: But I need the content!

Audrey: Send the petition!

Abbie: No! Fine! Road trip cancelled!

Audrey: Don't send the petition!

*What will happen next, now that there isn't a road trip? And will the petition be sent? Find out in Episode 4 of KUWTMK.

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