The Argument

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Hi, I'm Audrey! And I have a weird class. You probably read about some of their behaviours in the previous chapter. Not that I dislike it, I'm pretty weird myself. But if you combine my whole class into a weirdness meter, we would probably blow the meter up. You know what I mean, right? Anyway, on with the story.

My teacher made us play this "addicting" game. Now don't get me wrong. He made us play it. Apparently he said it was for learning about some kind of history thingy. So then our whole class started clicking and playing. The next day, this really annoying kid was already an entire level above us. And this went on, and on, and on, and on. We're still playing this game right now!

So then after about a week, this random quest giver made us do stuff and then we got awarded a building to place in our cities called "Oracle of Delphi". But then the gaming try hards decided that they were too good for that great building and then half of the class started to roast the other half of the class. Our teacher was very pleased because needed to split us up in to two groups, and we did the work for him! And guess what, we even had a war because of that. 

My group thought that we were gonna win, but no, the TRY HARDS were just like, "HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA YOU'RE SO BAD!!!!1111!" But really, who cares? It's just a game. So I guess I win after all.

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