Episode 7: Emma Finally Confesses

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Audrey: Okay, EMMA. CONFESS. NOW!

Emma: Okay, okay!

Lana: If you don't confess we are going to tell Braxton that you want a hug.

Audrey: Dude, shut up and let her talk!

Lana: Yeah, okay.

Emma: I... Actually... Don't...

Braxton: Mhmm, keep going!

Emma: AHHHH!! Someone get him out of here!

*Lana pushes Braxton out of the classroom.

Braxton: Ahh!


Lana: Okay, now that that's settled. Keep going.

Emma: I... Don't... Like... Jake... Anymore...

Audrey: Cool.

Emma: WHAT?! I thought you two would go crazy! 

Lana: Nah.

Emma: Ugh. But just so you know, I'm not lying.

Audrey: Yeah, yeah.

*Yolanda and Lexi come in the room.

Lexi: I heard Emma say something about lying.

Lana: You didn't hear wrong.

Yolanda: Emma is a liar?

Audrey: Actually, she was talking about how she wasn't lying.

Yolanda: Oh...

Emma: Uh, should I tell them?

Lana: Yeah, you should.

Audrey: Tell them your confession? If so, then yeah.

Emma: Okay. *breathes* I don't like Jake anymore.

Lexi: Cool.

Yolanda: I never knew you like Jake.

Emma: Liked.

Lexi: LIKED. 

Yolanda: Liked?

Audrey: Yes, liked.

Emma: Wait, guys? Should I tell Jake?

*Will Emma tell Jake her confession? Find out in Episode 8 of KUWTMK.

A/N: Idk why, but I feel like this is actually a TV show. ERK!

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