Group Work PT 2

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Hey guys! Audrey back it with Keeping Up With the MACC Kids. I think you kinda get the gist of things here. An episode then a crazy story. So anyway, last story, we had a brief description about the people in my group. This story, we're actually gonna be telling you what happened. Yay? I don't think so. My group is c-r-a-z-y.

Welp, anyway, here goes. You might wanna get a drink or a snack while you read this. Cause this is gonna be really long. 

Okay, I'll start from the first meeting. It was at my friends house, and basically all we did was: Eat McDonalds, watch Emma drink Starbucks (WHILE THE REST OF US DIDN'T GET ANY), snapchat Jake being locked out of Lana's house, build a for that toppled in like what, a minute? Oh, and we also drank water. And got practically no work done. 

So yeah, I had to deal with these people. Thankfully, Braxton wasn't here for the first meeting! I was the second person to get to Lana's house. Emma was already there. Oh, and I was in the middle of getting McDonalds. And then Jamie and Jake called me. They were like "Can you get me sum McdEeZ?" So of course, I had to be nice and I was like "Sure! But you hafta get me Tims!" And they were like "OKAY!" But life is a lie. THEY DIDN'T GET ME TIMS. ARGHHH. So now Jake owes me Tim Hortons. Anyway, moving on to the actual procrastinating part. Like I said, we decided to lock Jake out. Or did Jake ask to be locked out? I dunno. Oh yeah, and I was hiding chips from Emma so she would be depressed. That was fun. And then I really couldn't take it. Lana was like, "OML WE HAVE TO GET WORK DONE!!!111!!" Shoutout to @clairebear505 for saying that. And I was like "YES! WE NEED TO FINISH THE DAMN SCRIPT!" And then Emma was like "NUU!" And then we built a fort with blankets. Oh, and I forgot to mention that Jake was hiding under them.

Moving on to the second meeting! Yay, progress! JK, we still didn't finish anything. Well, we did have some progress. Like a tiny bit. So this next meeting, I'm not even gonna say anything. That meeting was w-r-o-n-g and unexpected. We were at Jamie's house, and two weird kids followed her. One was "afro kid" and the other was this other guy. I think the reason why we didn't get anything done that day were because of them. And BRAXTON! OML BRAXTON WAS THERE. I was disgusted on a whole new level. Another what, four hours? Damn, that four hours was wasted. 

Imma breath in. *PHEWWW* Imma breath out. *HAAAA* Okay. Third meeting. Was this one better? Actually, yes. We managed to get work done. WORK. Tell me what work means again? I forgot. Anyway, WE LITERALLY GOT LIKE TWO SCENES DONE. That's like running a marathon. And Braxton was there. That was the unfun part.

LAST MEETING. YEE! This one was the worst, to be honest. We went to a park after school to film, and then went to Jake's house. Yeah. You remember when I told you about the Emma and Jake thing? Uh huh. It was pretty funny because Jake told me that he knew Emma liked him a while ago. Tbh, I was kinda relieved to know that Jake wasn't that stupid. And this is getting long so I'll do the last part in another story episode! Well, bye!

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