Group Work PT 1

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How do I start this next one? Okay, let's just take this back all the way from the start. It was December 8th, and our teacher decided to assign us a HUGE project for a novel study. So since I like group work, I decided to be in a group. Of seven people. Yeah. So then we were like "Let's make a video!" And then I was like "Yeah, let's make a video!"

But the problem is, there's this ONE person in our group. And his favourite thing to do is- I'd rather not say... Not only is he creepy, he's also SUPER annoying. But I had no choice but to work with that pervert. Let's just say his name is Braxton.

So then we were all extra and we were like, "We need to go to Starbucks for our meetings!" Was that a good idea? Well, don't ask me! It never happened because this other girl said that her mom wouldn't let her go to Starbucks for a meeting! This is what happens when you work with people like her.

Am I just going though everyone in my group and describing them? 

Anyway, next up is this other really short guy. And I mean REALLY short. That girl that I just described, she can be Emma in this show. And the guy can be Jake. Well, basically, Emma has this crush on Jake! But the sad thing is, Jake doesn't like Emma back. And Emma is like three million inches taller than Jake. Oh, and also Braxton wouldn't stop making jokes about Emma having a you know what on Jake. 

There's also Jane, another girl in our group. She's really quiet but SHE DOES WORK. Let me emphasize, SHE DOES WORK. And yeah, that's it.

And there's also another girl in our group, and she's a gr8 m8. LOL. Well, she does work too, but she's always absent. Let's call her Jamie. 

I'm almost done! 

Second last, there's Lana, the one who always wants people to work, like me. 

And then there's me, Audrey. I'm just the weird person who likes to eat food. Oh, and I also yell at people when they're not doing work. Literally. Yell. But I like my job. Yelling is fun. 

*If you want the actual weirdness go to part 2.

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