Bed, bath and Breath

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A/N: I'm back. I know this is a short chapter but I hope you will stick with me. I want to thank you all for continuing to read this story, I know I'm not the best writer and there are mistakes but I'm just learning. Love you guys. X

The light shone throw the large window that consumed almost all of one of the walls my eyes fluttered open to bask in the early morning sun. My eyes wondered around the room, the light grey walls with white moldings were homely. I looked to the side of the bed and saw some beautiful white roses I admired how the light delicately danced on the petals until I felt something or should I say someone stir on the other side of me. A muscular arm wrapped around my waist pulling me into a solid chest. He nestled his head into the crook of my neck, burying his face in my fiery locks. He took a deep breath, every inch of skin that touched his was on fire and I was melting from the heat. My eyes began to feel heavy, I gently turned my body around so that I wouldn't wake him. Jace. The thought of the previous night washed over me like a tsunami, tears silently trailed down my face as I closed my eyes.

His hands caressed my face and he used the pad of his thumbs to wipe away my tears. My eyes flickered open to the view of golden eyes looking at me with worry and sympathy. "Shhh, don't cry, I'm here." He whispered, looking at me as if I was the only girl in the world. His reaction to my tears only made them flow more. "Clary, what's wrong?" He asked, concern oozing from his tone. "How can I not remember you?" I whispered so quiet, I doubt he heard me and from the silence that loomed over of us for a few moments after. Until his hold on me became slightly tighter, not painfully so but I noticed the subtle change. "I ask myself that every day, but what can we do now, what's done is done." He replied almost oblivious to the world around him. A piece of his blond hair hung on his face and I pushed it away and caressed his face as if I was checking he was real, bringing his attention back to me. "I watched you die," I said aloud unintentionally, it was only a mumble but I knew he heard me. Before he could reply I jumped out of the cozy double bed and ran into the ensuite.

I was so stupid. I can't tell him that the only thing I remember about him was the crash, the moments that I thought he was dead. How his dead lifeless corpse has been haunting my dreams. How in those brief moments we were trapped in that car, I prayed to the angel that we could trade places, I wished that I was the one dying and not him.

I looked around the large, clean bathroom. It's tiled walls were pure white with small detailing. The large clawfoot bath in the middle of the big room immediately attracted my attention. I walked toward the tub and trailed my fingers across the cold porcelain rim. The brass taps shone in the vibrant light that came through the translucent window a few feet off the ground. They called to me, I turned on the hot water. "The bubble bath is on the shelf beside the window." I heard Jace say huskily from the other side of the door, he must have heard the bath running. After putting the bubble bath in I stripped; leaving yesterdays clothes on the floor, and slowly glided into the bath. I listened to the sound of my breathing fill the room and I was calm. In and Out, I was alive.

Clace after all ✔️Where stories live. Discover now