Glares, Guys and Gone

400 13 6

A/N: Thanks again everyone for getting to 1K reads. Do you want a regular update schedule or are you okay with random updates? Do you have any ideas for parts? tell me in the comments and tell me what you are a fan of the book, movie, or show?

We walked to mac's to find easy at a booth in the corner with Simon, "Hey you guys, have you ordered yet?" I asked smiling at them as Jace and I walked up to the table.

"No, we were just waiting for you two." Izzy smiled

"When did you get here rat boy?" Jace questioned and I gave him a death glare and he put his hands up in surrender, "When did you get here SIMON?" He rephrased putting emphasis on simons name and I smiled. We took our seats and began looking through the menu.

"Izzy rang me after you left her because she was lonely." Simon answered and I looked at Izzy with a frown.

"Iz you could have just rung us and we would have come to you." I said sadly

"Nah it's okay I missed Simon so it was really just an excuse to ring him." She smiled getting closer to Simon. While they were being all couply Jace and I continued to look through the menu. When I finally decided what I wanted I placed the menu down and looked over to Jace who was already watching me. The warm feeling in my chest made me feel safe and comfortable. He could make me feel like this with just a look and I don't even remember him.

"Hey." I smirked

"Hey." he smirked back and I felt his had rest gently on my knee bringing me closer to him and I rested my head on his shoulder feeling them go up and down as he breathed. Then suddenly I saw flashes of the teddy bear and Jaces corpse and that warm feeling turns into a scorching flame of pain as if a hot piece of metal is being plunged into my chest. I couldn't take it, my heart started racing, I struggled for breath and my eyes were pooling. I heard mumbles that sounded like my name and through the blur of my tears I could see Jace's worried face. I stood up and ran out of Mac's. Outside was dark and cold. I heard footsteps chasing after me so I ducked into an alley where they wouldn't find me and sat in a doorway of one of the nearby business'.

After a few minutes of crying, my breath regulated and my heart started to slow. I stood up and walked out of the door frame into the alley. I heard some voices that I didn't recognize, they were manly and intimidating, I turned to see a group of men in their early to mid-twenties.

"Oh hey there pretty lady." I began to walk the opposite way out of the alley.

"What's a beaut like you doing in an alley all alone?" I started walking faster but they caught up with me and grabbed my arm. I could smell the Alcohol on their breath on his voice as he talked

"If you were mine I'd never let you down a dark alley alone." One laughed. For some reason, I assumed he was the leader the way he stood and spoke just showed authority.

"Her hairs bright, at least you'd never lose her in a crowd." Another joked, pulling my hair.

"What do you want?" I asked, my voice small and barely audible but at least one heard.

"You." 'The leader' growled and began grabbing me touching my arse and moving my clothes so he could touch my bare skin with his cold and harsh hands before he went to kiss me. I headbutt him.

"JACE! SIMON! IZZY! ANYONE! HELP!" I screamed as 'the leader' wiped the blood from his nose with an evil smirk on his face.

"Bitch." he laughed as he hit me around the face. He leaned down again to force himself on me until he was ripped away from me and slammed into the wall. Before I knew it the two that were holding me were unconscious and I dropped to the floor losing the strength to stand. When I finally found the strength to open my eyes I did and I saw Jace's face above me, my head was on his lap and we were just in the middle of the alley.

"Hey." He smiled shyly

"Hey." I sighed

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I knew some of you wanted an update this year so this is it I may go back to change this part.

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