Love, Lust and Lame

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Jace pov.

That night after I talked briefly to Clary my heart was palpitating and couldn't get the picture of her big green eyes and her long red hair that curled perfectly out of my head. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She was like no other girl, she spoke to me with honesty. Other girls would never say anything that would risk me not liking them but she didn't care.

the morning after she was even cuter, she woke everyone up smashing pans together, good thing that Maryse and Robert, the Lightwoods, were away on a business trip because the would be pissed. When I ran down stairs thinking that something was wrong I didn't have a shirt on, for a brief second, I thought I saw Clary starring at me. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of her green eyes looking at me. I knew that if she looked at me for too long, I'd melt.

Izzy offered to cook, but knowing she would probably kill us all with her toxic cooking, Alec cooked instead. I couldn't keep my eyes off of the goddess that sat before me, I would occasionally drift my feet up and down her leg just to make sure she was real, that I wasn't dreaming her.

when the girls left after Iz offered me her car cause mine was in the shop I felt a little empty like half of myself had gone with them. I got to school and found myself looking for her in the crowd of people which wasn't hard due to her uniquely coloured hair. she was sat under a tree in the courtyard with the girls and Simon. how I wish I could just sit with them, hold clary in my arms and play with her red locks, which I had decided to call her, Red.

"Hey mate, what are you looking at?" my best friend, Sebastian, said as he sat beside me resting his arm on my shoulder, his eyes following my gaze. "Oh the hot new girl." he laughed and I turned to him with anger racing through my body. "No Seb. You can not under any circumstances, get with her." i announced shrugging his arm off my shoulder.

"Yes, Your Highness, whatever you say, Your Majesty." He replied as he bowed to me.

"I'm glad you understand, now knock it off." I said walking into the cafeteria, he followed.

"Hey, Jace." a group of blondes said in unison as i walked by their table, I waved and left hearing the huffs and puffs in the process.

I made my way to AP chem which i had missed yesterday while i was off, one of my team mates from football told me were assigned partners. I walked in to see no one was there yet, I had hoped to get there early to talk to Mr. Herondale.

"Morning, Sir I'm sorry I missed yesterdays lesson." I said as I knocked on the door.

"Ah Jace it's nice to see you are feeling better today, what are you doing here 5 minutes early?" he smiled gesturing me in.

"I was hoping I could talk to you about my extra credit." I announced placing my bag on a desk, leaning against it.

"Yes, I was hoping to talk to you about that. I think that if we get you a tutor we can get you from a B- to an A+." he said looking at his files.

"that sounds good but who are you thinking for my tutor? Maureen? Alaric? Raphael?" i asked thinking of the top students in the class.

"Actually I was thinking a new student I have seen their transcript and think they're perfect for the job." he smiled as he stapled something and before I could reply the bell went off and the class piled in. I looked to Mr. Herondale and he directed me to a chair. I high fives some of my friends as I walked by and took my seat waiting for my lab partner to take their seat but no one did until 5 minutes later after Mr. Herondale had welcomed us, a little red headed girl sprinted into the class room with a face like a tomato. My smile grew ear to ear when I realised it was Clary and she rushed to her seat not even glancing at me as she took her books out of her bag.

"Miss Fray are you okay?" Mr. Herondale question concern radiating from his voice.

"Yes, sorry sir i got lost because i forgot what day it was and went to the wrong classroom so i ran here from the west wing." she said quickly, looking out of breath by the end of it. Mr. Herondale smiled and continued with the lesson.

"Goldilocks, nice to see you again." she smiled as she opened her note book not looking at me.

"You too Red." the class continued and she only raised her head from her note book when sir was demonstrating something, i thought she was taking some really intense notes but when I looked over shoulder she was doodling, actually I couldn't call it doodling because it was better than anything I could ever draw, it was a masterpiece. it was only when she put it down at the end of class when I could get a proper look, that I realised what, or should I say who, she was drawing. Me. my jaw went slack as I looked at the beautiful drawing of myself. "You are incredible." I mumbled as she went to pick up her bag.

"Huh?" she sat back up and looked at me "Oh that? I get bored and doodle people, sorry if it's a bit creepy." she closed her book and swept all her things into her bag. "it's Amazing." i announced as she started to walk towards the door. she stopped looked over her shoulder at me and said"thanks" with a shy smile before turning to walk again.

"Clarissa, Jace could you stay behind a few minutes please." Mr Herondale announced. we sat at the front desk and waited as the rest of the class left.

"Are we in trouble or something?" Clary asked nervously, I doubt she had ever been in trouble in her life, and it was so cute seeing her worry.

"No, no, nothing like that." I saw the worry disappear from Clary as quickly as it had appeared.

"so sir what is this about." i question

"If Miss Fray agrees, she will be your new tutor." he replied, Clary looked at me and I looked at her.

"So what do you say, Miss Fray?"

"Sure," she smiled back.

"Good, good. sort amongst yourselves the arrangement, now get going."

The rest of the day sped by and it was the end of the day, I met Clary by her car and we discussed the arrangement.

"I'm going to the mall now but when i drop izzy off after you can come with me back to mine and we'll study there. then ill take you back when we are finished." she said as she leant on her car.

"Sounds good, I'll see you later then, Red." i said. i turned around and saw Iz and Maya walking toward us.

"See ya." i heard her say as i walked away

"Bye you guys." i said to Izzy and Maya as i walked past them

I was so excited to see clary later.

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