Dates, Dreams and Dads

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Clary Pov

Did he really just ask me out?

"Yeah a date." he smiled, I couldn't believe Jace had kissed me and now he is asking me out. I was lost in my thought for a moment but as he gently pecked my lips i came back to reality.

"What was that for?" i asked as he pulled away.

"Your just so cute when you get lost in your own little world." he said looking at me, his eyes full of hope and joy.

"Yes," i began "yes i will go out with you" i smiled up at him my hair falling slightly over my face, he pushed it back and laughed.

"How's tomorrow tonight?" he asked, i thought about it and remember my mom and Luke get back tomorrow, I want to spend the evening with them.

"My mom and Luke are back tomorrow, so I was gonna spend some time with them, how about Saturday? we could go to the Theme park." his smile faded slightly before i suggested saturday, then he smiled and nodded.

my eyelids grew heavy and i felt like i was slipping out of consciousness. then i slipped into the darkness; i felt weightless and started drifting through the air until i landed on a cloud. From the darkness came a small light and as i walked toward it a familiar face smiled up at me, my dad was in the kitchen cooking bacon and eggs.

"hey, sweetie your mom left early this morning, so I'm making breakfast today." he said as i snatched a piece of bacon off of a plate on the side. I danced around him, i looked down and saw i was a little girl again.

"Morning Daddy, Mmm... bacon." i announced as i lifted the bacon to my nose. he turned around and lifted me into the air, he spun me around as he sang My little girl by Tim McGraw, he always sang that to me, especially when i was sad. I would join in to sing 'Daddy I love you more'.

Every now and then I would sing it when i was sad, tears would stream and I felt like he was with me.

The memory felt like ten minutes but before i knew it, before i could tell him I loved him, my eyes fluttered open and he was gone. he was replaced with the sight of a gold mop rested on the pillow beside me. How did i get here? i thought to myself before taking a double take, and what was Jace's mop and the rest of him doing in my bed? "Jace!" i yelled as loud as i could in the raspy voice i woke up with. "AHHH!" Jace screamed as he flipped out of bed, "Whats wrong?" he said as he jumped into an attack stance. I couldn't help but laugh at the look on his face as he realised how stupid he looked.

"Nothing, I was just surprised to find you shirtless in MY bed!" I announced as he sat on the edge of the bed. "I carried you upstairs and i couldn't be bothered to find the guest room." he smiled "And the shirtless part is just for your pleasure." i rolled my eyes and got up. i started to head into the bathroom when i felt his grip around my wrist, he pulled me onto his lap and rested his forehead on mine. "W-what are you doing?" i smiled.

"Fighting the urge to kiss you," he smirked "I'm not winning the fight." he continued. i planted a kiss on his soft lips before climbing of his lap.

"you can go make breakfast while I get ready." I stated before i disappeared into the bathroom. i heard him potter around my room before i heard the door open and close. W...t...f just happened? We were just friends a few hours ago, now my lips are tingling and he sends shivers whenever he touches me.

I get ready still sad over my dream but ecstatic over mine and Jace's new relationship. Today is going to be great. I slip into a pale grey dress that cut off mid thigh and put black fish nets underneath matched with my grey Doc martins. I let my curls flow over my shoulders and put the necklace my mom got me for my 16th birthday on, it was a heart locket and inside a picture of my dad and me at the park. i cherished it although i knew it was cheap, because we had no money back then.

I could smell something delicious as i stood at the top the stair case, i made my way downstairs and walked into the kitchen to see a still shirtless Jace standing with two plates. he looked over and smirked. "What are you smirking at?"

"Just how beautiful you are." he said the smirk getting bigger.

"well stop gawking and give me my food before i get h-angry" i said before he laughed and handed me a plate with a Belgium waffle. "You continue to surprise me, Jace Wayland." i laughed as i made my way to the dining room.

"with my cooking or my smoking hot body?" he said before i turned around and smacked his chest.

"Hey no harming the merchandise." he said defensively

"Oh, i was hoping you would be off the market." I said shyly, sitting down at the table. Jace sat beside me and placed his hand on mine that lay on the table. "I'm all yours, if you want me." he smiled.

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