Before we imploded

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Hey I'd like to say thank you so much for all the love and support of Clace after all! I'm in the process of writing a sequel and thought you might like this chapter while You're waiting :) I'll let you know when the sequel is posted, it all depends on wether I post all at once or if I post chapter by chapter let me know if you have a preference.

I hope you enjoy!

"Do you like painting?" Eva asked as I returned my gaze to her. I smiled and nodded to her.
"The paintings in here are beautiful, who is the artist?" I felt a lot of pain coming from the painting in the far corner it was abstract, dark colours seemed to pool thick and heavy in the centre of the painting but it dissipated as it moved toward the frame.
"A lot of my patients are incredibly talented individuals" she followed my eye line to the painting which captured my undivided attention. "Would you like to paint Clary? We have an excellent art facility for our art therapy sessions. My face lit up at the idea of painting. "Please, follow me." She was much taller than I had expected. She was much taller than my 5"2. If she wasn't my therapist I would have thought she were a model of some sort.

We walked through the halls of the building. The damp smell followed us until we arrived at the door of the 'art wing' as Eva had called it. The large, sleek glass door contrasted the dark wood of the rest of the building I had seen. It was obviously a new extension to the less than perfect old house that we had exited from, light billowed through the windows that littered the walls. We sat for a small while as I began painting, she asked me some questions about my family and the important people in my life. I spoke fondly of my friends and when I began speaking of Jace her face fell to a concerning frown. "what?" I whispered quietly, I stopped painting and looked to her for the first time since I sat down at the table.

"It's nothing I just didn't expect you to tell me that you continued dating this Jace boy." I frowned stopping the movement of the pencil on my page.

"Why wouldn't I? I mean yes I forgot our relationship before the accident but I still have all the same feelings. We are making new memories." I began a small rant before silence settled again and I resumed my drawing. I wasn't paying attention to what I was drawing so I just let it happen naturally. We continued to discuss my life and I went into more detail about the accident and things that happened after and she listened and wrote down everything in a notebook she had brought from her office.

"From what I can tell you are suffering from PTSD, which is understandable given the circumstances. I am sorry you are going through this but I would be more than happy to help you cope."

"Thank you so much Eva." I smiled slightly before looking down at my drawing, for the first time actually examining what I had been drawing for the last hour. I recognised the scene. Sketched in pencil was the lifeless face of Jace. My heart started pounding erratically and the oxygen was snatched from my lungs. As the tears began to flow my hearing dissipated and my vision cloudy. I started seeing flashes of Jace and I, the night we met, the way he made me laugh, the night outside the pizza place and the accident. I remembered all the glimpses and longing. I felt all the pain of losing him again and how much I begged to not be the survivor. I knew I'd die for him if it meant not living without him. And as if the tone of bricks on my chest doubled I felt the knowledge of him having complete and utter control of me. Heart, body and soul.  Stepping off the chair I collapsed to the floor crawling into a ball as I let out loud, earth shattering sobs and screams. I could hear mumbles that seemed to resemble my name as I felt small hands start to rub my back.
Eventually I found myself in Izzy's car. My cheeks were stained and despite Izzy's incessant questioning I remained quiet until she dropped me home. Worry engulfing her beautiful face.

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