Waves, Warmth and Wreckage

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Clary pov.

We walked arm in arm to the car, in my arm not linked to Jace I had a stuffed bear that Jace had won on one of the carnival games. As we approached the car Jace untangled his arm from mine before walking to the driver's side of his Aston Martin. I climbed into the car feeling the absence of his warmth on my side making me frown. I glanced sideways as Jace started the engine, he was oblivious to my gaze, his golden hair messy and tawny eyes focusing on the car park he was navigating made me seriously question if he was an angel. Damn the angel, how could someone, anyone be this beautiful. I know I should have stopped staring but the masterpiece before me demanded my attention. "Can I ask you a question?" he said never taking his eyes off of the road. his deep, mellow voice echoed in my head- snapping me out of a daydream.

"Shoot," I said my voice cracking, blood rushed to my face as I felt flustered. "How do you feel about late night beach walks?" He asked quickly glancing my direction.

"Sounds perfect." I smiled

We drove another 20 minutes finally reaching a beach, we climbed out of the car. Taking my boots off was a task but eventually, we were walking up the coast as the moon lit up the sea that was a few meters away from where we were walking. We talked about our families, friends and pretty much everything. When I began feeling tired we walked back toward the car but I decided I wanted to watch the waves, so Jace went and got a blanket out of his car. We sat there for hours, some time within the time we sat there I got chilly and Jace wrapped his jacket around me.

The next thing I know I feel big strong arms wrapped around me, lifting me, "Jace?" I said softly as my eyes fluttered open to see Jace's chest, he was carrying me bridal style across the beach. "Shh, go back to sleep." he whispered gently and before I could fight the sleep away I emerged in it.

I don't know how long later, I woke up to the world whizzing by the window, the window of the car. "Hey sleepy head." a smooth voice comes from beside me. my flick up to see Jace smiling at me before reverting his eyes back to the road. I look around trying to take in my surroundings, we are on a highway, heading back into town. "hey, what happened?' i asked wiping the sleep from my eyes. "

You fell asleep against my shoulder while we were watching the waves. Then I carried you into the car." he smiled. Did he carry me? how sweet. I sat up straight and rested my head on his shoulder, "Thank you." I said softly

Then all of a sudden there are bright lights; head lights, rushing toward us, straight at us. Then I hear a scream, my scream as the head lights about to collide with us and then as if everything were slow motion Jace swerves out of the way, causing the tires to screech, I can smell the scent of burning rubber and the car flips. One minute we're sitting talking the next we are dangling from our seats. Bright, flashing lights illuminate the car showing all of the carnage. In the last few seconds of my consciousness I looked over to Jace: his eyes were closed, his hair and limbs were hanging down, his chest was barely moving and his face was so pale. I moved ever so slightly and ran the back of my hand against his cheek, he was cold.

My eyelids began to feel heavy, after a few seconds of fighting it, I finally let the darkness take me. The last thing I see is the blood covered teddy bear staring at me surrounded by glass, then the flashing lights fade and I am surrounded by darkness. A darkness you could lose your soul in, a darkness so black and cold that you could lose your mind. The darkness was scary but at the same time calming, as if I got to take a break.

But the pain is still there, not the physical pain but the emotional pain. Seeing Jace the way he was broke my heart and the thought of never seeing him again tore my soul into a million pieces. I was alone in the emptiness of my own head and I had no way of getting out.

"Please help me." i quietly whimpered into the darkness, My voice was cracked and my brokenness was evident in my voice. all i could muster was a small shaky phrase. "Please help me," I repeated

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