Tutoring, teasing and tempting

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Clary's pov.

"What was that about?" i heard Iz say as i watched Jace walk away.

"Mr Herondale has me tutoring him for AP chem, so we were arranging a session after the mall." i said walking round to the drivers side.

"My brother has a Major crush on you, you know?" Izzy beamed

"I thought Alec was gay," I joked

"You know which brother I'm talking about, you Doof." she said with all the seriousness she could muster without laughing. We all burst out laughing.

"Did you really just call me a doof?" i asked wiping away the tears of joy that had streamed down my cheeks while in my laughing fit.

"Yes i really did." she replied as i started the engine.

"Do you really think Jace has a Crush on Clary?" Maya asked nudging her elbow into my ribs.

"Yeah totally he was looking at you way to much earlier and has been flirting none stop." she said before i pulled out of the parking lot and the conversation redirected to other things. After 3 and a half hours of shopping we finally decided to call it quits and head home. i dropped maya off at her's and headed to Izzy's

"So you and my brother?" she smiled

"if you hadn't of said he was your brother i never would have guessed." i avoided the question

"That's because he is adopted." she replied, "my parents were close friends with his parents and when they died in a house fire, my parents took him in."

"Oh, that's sad but at least he has you guys." my smile faded and i knew that pity was spread across my face because Izzy said: "you better not have that face when you and Jace are together, he hates being pitied."

we got to Izzy's and headed in, "Jace, Clary is here!" Izzy yelled before we went to the kitchen and Izzy made me coffee, as i put the mug to my lips Jace ran in and took it. "Hey!" i yelled,

"come on we have got to go." he said as he dragged me out, i luckily snatched my keys off of the side before we left. "Bye. I guess." Izzy yelled

"Bye Iz! I'll pick you up tomorrow." i replied before the front door slammed behind me. As soon as we were out of the house Jace slowed down, still holding my hand he spun me around, my back leaned against my car and we were only a few inches away from each other, if i didn't stop myself, i would have closed the gap and kissed him. "You're welcome," he breathed,

"For what?" i asked leaning back slightly. he saw me move and lent his hand next to me.

"from being poisoned by Izzy's coffee, I love her to death but the girl can not cook or make anything digestible to save her life or ours." he laughed at his own remark.

"this is fun and all but we have to study." i said as i slid out from between him and the car and walked round to the drivers side. we both slid into the car and headed to Luke's.

"My mom and Luke are on holiday at the moment, so it's just us in the house, do you want anything to drink?" i asked as i led him to the living room and took my jacket off.

"Have you got any soda?" he asked marvelling at the size of the living room.

"yeah, cola okay?" i replied

"sounds great." i went into the kitchen and got two soda's and popcorn. i returned to the living room to see Jace sat where the coffee table had been sat moments ago and his books spread out on the floor.

"I hope it's okay that I moved the furniture." he said as he tilted his head up to me his jawline even more prominent. I placed the sodas on the coffee table, that was now pushed up to window. I sat beside him and nodded.

For an hour i went over several topics and he seemed to be getting the concepts. we took a study break and i got us snacks. "So how are you so good at Chem if you sit drawing in class?" he asked as we were snacking on the couch.

"I only draw when i already know the stuff they are teaching, I move a lot so they often go over the same things. Plus i pick things up really quickly so i only have to learn it once to remember it." i replied as a finished eating a bag of chips.

"That's really cool, Can I ask why you move around so much?" he asked shyly.

"my dad died when i was 4," i paused briefly contumplating if i should tell him the rest "and when I was 14, my mom started online dating so we moved where ever her boyfriend at the time was." i said fiddling with the loose stands on my shorts, avoiding eye contact, i felt a finger slip under my chin lifting it so i was looking at him. i looked into his golden eyes expecting pity or sorrow but all i saw was smile that matched his small, delicate smile on his lips.

"Izzy told me about your parents." with those words for a fleeting moment his eyes were submerged in sorrow but as if it was never there it was gone, replaced with awe. "What?" i giggled, he looked away briefly before looking back at me

"Nothing," he began, "You're just so incredible." he smiled and i could feel the blush rushing to my cheeks. Why did he have this effect on me?

"Thanks," i began. "You're not to bad yourself." I stood up and he looked up at me with a smirk on his face. That smirk seemed to be his resting face. "I'm going to go and take a shower and get into something more comfortable, are you okay studying Readox reaction while I'm gone, i folded the corner of the page in your textbook" i asked, he flipped through the book i was referring to and when he found the page he nodded and i made my way up the stairs.

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