After ten minutes of quiet sobbing, crying into her pillow, Jesse finally calmed slightly down. She sat with her back against the wall, hugging her pillow to her chest. She longed for Reuben to lick the tears off her face, to snuggle into her lap with his comforting warmth.

The thought caused a few more tears to well up in Jesse's eyes, trickling down her cheeks. She wiped them off with the sleeve of her pyjamas, before getting up from bed.

She silently walked down the hallway, careful not the step on the spots where the planks would creak loudly. She entered the kitchen, its tiled floor cold under her feet.

Jesse poured herself a glass of cold water, gulping it down thirstily. She put the empty glass back in the sink, before leaning down with her elbows on the counter.

Outside the sky was dark, the moon partially hidden behind a few clouds. The clock on the wall showed that it was only a few minutes past 1 AM.

Jesse sighed, resting her forehead on her arms. Recently she had stopped going back to bed after a nightmare. It always just came back, sometimes even worse than the first time.

"Guess it's another few long hours for me." Jesse said softly, before turning around and walking to the living room.

It was far enough away from the other rooms that they wouldn't be woken up by the light. So she sat down on one of the armchairs, switching on the lamp and began to read. Jesse found that reading was one of the best ways to get her mind of the nightmares, and help her calm down.

By the time the sun started rising, Jesse's eyes were red from the lack of sleep, and she couldn't go two minutes without yawning. As the first rays of light shone into the living room, Jesse got up, turning off the light and leaving the living room.

She returned to her own bedroom to get dressed. She put on her signature blue and white T-shirt, along with her beige coloured overalls and tan boots. She brushed her long dark brown hair, using a red hair clip to keep it out of her eyes.

Finally, when she felt satisfied, she went over to the bathroom to was her face with cold water. It helped to mask the look of sleep deprivation.

"Well." She said, looking at herself in the mirror. "Let's get this show on the road."

It was a special day for the five of them. Since both Olivia and Lukas' birthdays were coming up – Literally two days apart from each other – Petra came up with the idea that they should go camping.

Everybody loved the idea of hiking miles out into the forest and setting up camp for a week.

Now they were finally all packed and ready to get going.


"I swear this backpack in heavier than it was yesterday evening." Olivia argued, tugging at the straps in annoyance.

"How heavy can it be?" Petra asked with a chuckle. "You're literally only carrying your clothes and the first aid kit. That shouldn't be so heavy. Axel is the one with the tent."

"I'm not joking!" Olivia snapped at her. "My back is killing me and we've only been walking for half an hour."

"Are you trying to hint that we should take a break?" Lukas joked, causing Olivia to scowl over at him.

"We're not taking a break already." Petra argued from the front, rolling her eyes. "Otherwise it about will take us all week to get to the camping spot."

Olivia simply muttered something under her breath Petra being bossy, while Lukas and Axel both laughed. Jesse just smiled and shook her head, as she walked at the back of the group.

MCSM One Shots (2018-2019)Where stories live. Discover now